Well, I think this is a really hard question. @BLOGHOMEWORK, @MISSY, @LYXZEN, @RAMBO and @CHARMAINE.
I have been a gamer since I have memory. When I was a child a cousin lent me his Game Boy Color and I was amazed for what technology can make. The first game I ever played was Pokemon then I used to play with an...
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Love this game too <3

These are my 5 favorite songs! @MISSY @RAMBO@LYXZEN @charmainee

The Good Die Young - Scorpions

Wasted Years - Iron Maiden

4:00 am - Avenged Sevenfold

Frühling in Paris - Rammstein

Los renglones torcidos de Dios - Mägo de Oz


How is possible to build great structures without a lot of math? Even when I'm an engineer student and I love mathematics, mankind has build magnificent structures all over the world without a lot of calculations. Creativity was and still being our greatest tool for solve problems. Those have been some of the homeworks that I did for my structures course at EDX from the University Carlos III from Madrid. Thanks to the Internet now we have access to great quantities of knowledge. I have always said it: Knowledge is power!


After watching those magnificent TV series (Prison Break and Breaking Bad), I think that a crossover would be amazing. I know that it's almost impossible but both characters have wonderful minds. A story with those great brains must be a terrific plot!