Well, it's just another Monday around here. Class this morning at 8am and then done for the rest of the day. So, I have just been sitting around all day being a slacker. I watched some movies (Tears of the Sun and Lords of Dogtown). I also took my Jeep to the mechanic to get looked at. I think when I went bogging the other...
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I've sometimes wondered what the appeal to blogging is. Why take the time to write about my life and then publish it online for all to see? I have been asked why I have to air out "dirty laundry" online and why I have to wave my problems out in front of the entire Internet community. I guess the answer is that it is a...
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Wow, what a fucking show!! All 4 bands were amazing. The line up was Bleed The Dream, June, Emery, and Hawthorne Heights. The pits were sick and I screamed my lungs out singing along. Especially during "Life On Standby" by Hawthorne Heights. That song always reminds me of a certain someone and hearing it at the show and screaming the lines "NOW SHE'S GONE... SHE'S...
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Ok, holy shit. I don't know if any of you cats or kittens have seen the movie Waiting... but it's a good movie. It depicts exactly what it's like to work in food service (I say with limited knowledge seeing as how the closest I've ever come is working at the Pub. Those of you from FPC will understand the reference).

The only part of...
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i saw it when it came out, and my friends did it. and im ironically watching it right now. tongue
Last night was an interesting one. I was delievering for the Pub and when I came back from a run, there she was, my ex, waiting for something for the party she was helping with upstairs. I was so surprised to see her. Our hello's were strained and uncomfortable. We really didn't know what to say to one other. I did look up at her...
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So yea, I just found out that Fall Out Boy is on tour! They're touring with Hawthorn Heights, The All-American Rejects, and some other band. I am so stoked. There's a show in Camden, NJ the Sunday After I get home for spring break. Tickets go on sale Saturday morning at 10am and I will be first in line with trustinSTARS at the Ticketmaster desk....
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What's up cats and kittens! Happy New Year to you all. Boy, what a year huh? Friggin' crazy. I hope all of you had good times and had much to drink and maybe someone to take home with you.

Personally, I spent it with trustinSTARS. It was a night of Vodka Tonic's and shots of something from the Dominican Republic (I still don't know...
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Well, Merry friggin' Christmas. I wish I could say it is greater, but so far, it's not. I had to work all day and then have yet another conversation with my ex about her other guy.

You know, I know she says she cares about me, that she wants the best for me, but I just don't know. I am sure she does but she...
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I came to just say hi, but...even though I don't know you, I'm going to say this...

[forgive me, in advance...]

Your ex is [probably] a manipulative bitch; she keeps telling you that she cares about you so that you stick around...so that she has someone to make feel bad. It's a power issue, son...


We sat and listened to that guitar,
The vibrations reaching us across the room,
I could feel it in my chest,
Just behind that lump of flesh
You called my heart.
It was then that I felt it,
Hanging from my throat,
Like a lynching,
Swaying in with the wind,
Breaths from my tangled lips.

That's when I knew.
But I kept it quiet.
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hottie smile
i like your fav bands list. less than jake and mmb, i was JUST listening to both today biggrin
Wow, holy shit. I opened up one hell of a can of worms let me tell you. About 24 hours ago a sent out a mass e-mail to the FPC campus looking for models with modifications (piercings, tattoos, etc). Well, I have recieved 18 e-mails back from interested folks. The part that is going to be hard now is sitting down with each one of...
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