Thank you so much!! :]
You are soooo beautiful! love
Our whole relationship thus far has been based on an oral fixation.
Which is funny, because he's a psych major.
We talk, eat, and kiss endlessly.
Repeat for 5 dates.
I trace our relationship based on the places we've gone to eat..
Pizza, mongolian bbq, sushi, gourmet burgers, and last night there was this AMAZING homemade marinara and chicken on those flat, wide noodles.. Fettucini?...
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Seeing someone new..
Rly like him.
Hope he doesn't catch on. I'm being aloof.
Aloof is hot, right?
Yes aloof is HOT..keep em wondering!! Good luck lady!! Have a great weekend!!
thanks so much for the nice word on my set!! blush
enjoy swimming naked on the beach ahaha
I wrote a short poem which turned out to be the most productive thing I did while trying to get some homework done.. Enjoy.

I'm about to transcribe my Psychology text onto an ice pick
and shove it through my fucking eye
so that at least some of this information
will penetrate my skull.
I always wished that I could just sleep on my text books and learn by osmosis. tongue

Banff is so pretty. Love it there.
I'm technically single.
I still date my ex boyfriend.
I'm technically single..
I haven't slept with anyone else since we broke up.
I didn't go home with a perfectly suitable mate tonight, even though we've been building up to it for months.
I had planned to get dressed up, drink, dance, flirt, then crash at the ex's apartment..
He didn't pick up...
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i had almost the exact same problem. you deserve better. it will get easier the more u get to letting go.good luck.you can do it

let's take the technicality out of the situation and just enjoy the single aspect. i mean
if he knew to expect you and didn't answer your beckon call then he just isn't worthy.
i'm just saying...
I found a sweatshirt I used to wear constantly in high school in the back of the hall closet, and I just put it on for the first time in at least 3 years.
I feel like I might be invisible, but I'm afraid to check.
Sooo warm and enveloping. I remember why I used to live in these things..
But eventually I acknowledged that...
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Today I'm strutting around with my jeans slung about my hips and a smile on my face.
I'm content for no real reason.
This feeling of ease and bliss which is usually reserved for the immediate afterglow of amazing sex or achieving some weight loss goal.
I have done neither in the last few days, and yet I curl the sides of my lips.
Zen is crazy emotionally unstable.
Anger issues, I'm starting to suspect.
..I wonder what it would take to get her into some sort of program for that...
Elephant tranquilizers and a hefty bribe?
Seriously.. there is no rhyme or reason to her rage.
We were having a perfectly innocuous discussion about corgi tattoos, and then suddenly "Who the FUCK ties the trash bag up without...
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