$2.00 Tip From Anonymous


And here is the final $2 I had in my SG acct. I chatted with you a little bit recently, and you smiled. You told me about the art you created. That made me smile. Thank you, I wish I had more than $9 total to give to you,

$2.00 Tip From Anonymous


Sent you $5, here is first $2.

$5.00 Tip From Anonymous


I have $9 in my Acct, so I am sending it to you. I have to do $5, then $2 twice to make $9 total. I hope that it works and it is ok.

Awwwww))) So cute. Thank you

$10.00 Tip From Anonymous


$15.00 Tip From Anonymous


$15.00 Tip From Anonymous


$15.00 Tip From Anonymous


$15.00 Tip From Anonymous


$15.00 Tip From Anonymous
