last night was a letter day, in a letter year, in a letter decade.

or not.

last night was awfully fantastic, and yes, the hanging out was probably the best part. it is a hard decision between that and beautiful girls dancing suggestively with eachother. hanging out might eak out a small victory though.

as far as the week goes:

what the fuck?

and as...
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I had a feeling that was you! Sorry to give you the "quinty eyes". That's my usual expression when I'm trying to recall details. Oh well, at least we all had a fantastic time. As for that song you're looking for, I think it was Peaches' "Fuck the Pain Away"... I could be wrong. Let me know!
Why aren't you a member of SG Boston yet? Most of the people on your "Friends" list are members. Have they not approved your application? Or are you just being a rebel and refusing to join? wink

Best cereal ever: Boo Berry, mixed with Franken Berry.
its a reasonably happy fathers day.

I scored a nice gift for my dad from an antique shop. its an aerial picture of a huge fire that happened in south boston in '68. my dads a firefighter and he's big into nostalgia anyway. the picture has tons of old equipment in it as well as bilboards and political signs. I was proud of it. the...
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Bummer... God-damned girls are always trouble. But, I always go through that trouble, cause the rewards make it worthwhile. wink

So, as I asked in Catch's journal, where were you guys? I didn't see you at all.
I almost resemble a respectable user on this site now. go me!

pictures check

journal check


so I work in a courthouse. Its a great job. where else can a 19 year old make enough to support himself, and get health insurance, dental, eyewear, pension, disability, and paid holidays?

it doesn't happen.

I consider myself lucky.


The vast majority of people I work...
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Hey man, How am I doing? I'm doin pretty decent, the last few days have been hell on the knee due to the humidity, but I'm dealing with it. had my first PT session on Friday, and I think I'm totally in lust with my Physical Therapist. She's 30, Beautiful, funny, smart (after all she's in the medical field), and right off the boat from Co. Clare Ireland. Yeah I don't have a chance but it's nice to dream heh.
you get that irish PT woman.

that would fix you right up buddy.

the fact that she's educated and imported makes her dually attractive.

keep me posted
I never partied this much in a single week. not in highschool, not in college, not ever.

goddamn it was good.

thanks to stone and catch and the others that made it possible.
Umm, a vanilla pudding pop tastes like, well, vanilla pudding that is kinda frozen onto a stick. I don't think it's much more technical than that. But, the real mindblower is the chocolate/vanilla combo ones. My brain doesn't know what to think, except for, EAT MORE!
where do you find the combo ones?

I need them.

I need them so bad.

I have just begun to understand how empty my life was.
Hey kids.

Its a good night.

Drunk... going to eat chinese food.

my hellish job is much less of a concern.

I miss having my girlfriend around.
I think she forgot about me.
I'm making an effort to make it seem like I forgot about her too.

I dont know if it'll bring her back, or push her away more.

either way its a...
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maybe this will take my mind off of my hellish job for a while.
Then again maybe it wont