so everything is pretty much good now, except that I'm out of communication entirely.

out of touch has been treating me alright though.

see ya suckas.
Fuck you kitty you're gonna spend the night.....

8 D
I'm back, in the full effect.

reasons why:

my car is dead.

I had money left over after paying for new glasses.

I missed some people.

my car is dead.

I have spare time now, at least today anyway.

I was driving back from matts last night when my alternator got too tired and went to bed. it was fun trying to shut off everything...
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i miss you .call me you f-ing punk! i can never find you.

tell matt i said yo. and i owe you guys a party night.

word up muthah fukah.....

the end is near!!!!


I mean... Hi...
What a fuckin party last night.

Matt and I are still recovering... I just dropped him off at the train station so he could get to work. He's probably gonna pass out at the arcade. Anyways... Thanks again to the three gracious hosts. You guys really know what you're doing. Is that Mark kid still alive? He looked like one of my uncles... got just...
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i once meet this boy and well in the same night we meet and had some convos; he broke my heart. its mending i lost a great guy that i really thought i could be there for me wink
hey! it was great meeting you! hopefully next time we can talk more.
take care babe
it was definetly a good time. it was nice meeting you.
Hey kids,

its about time I made my return.

I'm in maine right now, chillin out maxin relaxin all cool. It's been a strange fuck two weeks. Most of my entries include that sentence. Surreality is the name of the game since august. I drove through 6 states that weren't my own last weekend, and saw Tori in a few of them. She has a...
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it was nice to see you last night. you should come to our party this weekend! kiss e-mail me sidsuicide@gmail.com for the details, dude!

skull Sid skull

[Edited on Oct 07, 2004 6:18PM]




let me know if you're interested.
Its been a strange two weeks.

new problems that explain old ones.

I'm hopeful, but I'm afraid I shouldn't be.
I've had an interesting couple of weeks as well. We still need to hang out some time, especially since I have actual free time now!

I feel like I can't do anything right. I'm sick of pushing people away.

I wish my best friends phone was on.

I wish I had someone to talk to.
hm. i guess i'm passing through at an awkward time..
oh wow. I thought I was the only one who felt like that.
party on friday...

post here and I'll clue you in.

everyone is invited.
I guess i'll take that as a complement.

And so I'm back into the thick of it. indecision that is.
Don't fuck it up tom says. You hold on until you know what it is you
I've always been an "all eggs in one basket" kind of person though.
I'm trying to learn. Trying not to do that anymore.
Last time I didn't even save an egg for myself, so I was...
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YES!!! right there girard, tori knows what's up. Stop being stupid and forget the bitch.
I'm fucked.
I don't even know which way is up anymore. My ex started calling me again, and it feels nice to be sought after again. I took her out to lunch today. Jesus I'm still so indecisive. actually, its getting worse by the minute. I never know what I ought to be doing. Work gets more boring everyday... thank god tom is there to make it...
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you will see me wed...i am back.
Sorry about not calling tonight, I went out with a few people from work. As for next Friday, I probably can't make it. I have to open the store the next day, and odds are I'm working at some point Friday. Stupid job. If it wasn't such a distance from home, I'd be up for it. Sorry. frown
time to write an entry that isn't entirely depressing.

I had a pretty nice weekend. I certainly missed abby. I got completely shitfaced with my friends. We broke the table on my boat. I got to see rachel not once, but twice. Everything is at least back to its normal state of crazy. The last few weeks were like twilight zone crazy. Jameson will from...
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i was damn near tears with that poor fish. in fact he died while i was on tour with my friends band. i made them dedicate a song to him.
the boy went psycho. i don't know what the fuck he was in the mental ward for. he's doing better though. at one point he was on enough anti-depressants to kill a herd of small horses.
long distance is for suckers. and yeah. he's real fuckin cute, but that's about where it stops. he'd be a lot cuter if he didn't talk tongue
he seems like the type to shortly turn into one of those cooing face touchers. it might be his insistance on calling me sweetie. those are the types of people that get mad when i refer to them as nothing but assnuts or dorkface. it's a term of endearment.. i swear.....
neurosis is fine. it's comfortable.
hrmm. are there special ways to drive a submarine jeep known as the last starfighter? do people still play stick ball? isn't stick ball just the glorified ghetto baseball? i can think of many many more things that i'd like to hit with a stick biggrin burgers scare me. i'm a stupid fuckin vegan (it started out to spite my job, and just kinda stuck). oh. and the roy orbison impression. is that how you intend upon giving me that black eye? cause that'd be hot like whoa.
hehe. i'll definitly try to make it out to the bar. i don't know what's going on when yet though.
and yeah. the kittens are fuckin disgusting. have you ever been around things being born? it's fuckin gross. you'd just hear this loud yyooooooooooooooowl. and out popped another kitten. i still have nightmares. pregnant women skeeve me out even more. it reminds me of that movie aliens far too much....
hehe. well. you're good to let me babble. you can consider it something like charity. like when you have to go watch the retards try to jam square pegs in circular holes.
close your eyes and floor it.
kiss love kiss
how do you not have a bass player? i always thought it was drummers that were impossible to find. argh.
i'm well familiar with sri's. i took a few psych classes and we discussed those. in depth. for weeks. i didn't know that they killed your sex drive though. good to know. perhaps i should go find some. i'm about to hump the nearest wall. tongue
i dated this fuckin psycho about a year ago. i spent the entire time that i dated him telling him that he needed to up his anti-depressants. he kept telling me that i was wrong. and so he would come to my job and cry on my shoulder. like 5 times a week. it was really obnoxious. now, it's not like i have a real job- i'm a lifeguard, but goddamn. at work? so it got to the point where he'd be at work crying "but i love you..." and i would just have to say "and i appreciate that..". he still didn't get the point. yeah. so mother fucker ends up moving to nyc to be with me (i usually lifeguard in delaware during for the summer) after i tell him REPEATEDLY that i don't want to be with him. so. point being. after i rid myself the dumb twat, that's when he decided to up his anti-depressants.
so what's drexel? if it's emo we're gonna fight. like full on knives out. i'll just warn you now. i don't get down to that shit. alright. so i'm quite familiar with chud the movie. but why did you name your bastardized baseball after the aforementioned film? hhrmmm. smashing air guitars. that must be an interesting task to watch.....
yeah. pregnant things scare the shit out of me. i used to have this one horribly pregnant woman swim at one of my pools. she looked like she was gonna pop. and she insisted upon wearing a bikini. it freaked me the fuck out. or one of the last times i was hospitalized. they gave me some absolutely amazing fucking painkillers... and i accidentally walked into the pregnancy section of the hospital damn near tripping. yeah. pregnant things skeave me the fuck out tongue
barbed penii? what the fuck?
charity sounds better. it makes me feel as though i'm reaking my evil much better than i apparently am in all reality. you see? it all makes sense.
bleh. your entire gender still sucks. i can't decide whether bad sex is better than no sex. cause goddamn. and that stupid stupid piercing boy.............
the rock isn't just for smoking anymore...
kiss love kiss
Save me.

I broke up with rachel 3 weeks ago because I couldn't take being forgotten about so often. I know what its like when that girl cares about me. She calls, we see eachother etc. I stopped calling her for a week, and she seemed to get a little upset.

We started talking again, and she calls every morning. She's such a sweetheart on...
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where to start....
hrmm. well. in may i got my ass dumped by a boy for no apparent reason. he broke up with me 3 hours before i was leaving for the summer to lifeguard. he then proceeds to mind fuck me for the next month or so. in being cast aside like second rate trash, i realize that i deserve far far better than the likes of that and that i'm not nearly as ugly and stupid as he would like to have me think. it was a whole fucked up relationship that involved him ignoring me lots and me being all sad and icky. by the time we broke up i looked all kinds of broken. i was just really fuckin sickly.
so. my rebound boy of choice is apprenticing to pierce at my tattoo artists studio. when i saw him i didn't bother talking to him, cause i was like "damn, motherfucker's out of my league". so somehow we end up hanging out and hitting it off. he's a fuckin sweetheart and a half and i'm falling like whoa for said boy. this presents problem number one. he lives in reading. i'm staying about an hour away. in september i'll be back in nyc. so either way we're too far away from each other and i don't drive. so. i go up to the shop to start on my new tat. we hang out after the session. my friend kerri is with us and decides to grill the poor boy. she asks him all kinds of awkward questions. i send him an email to try to apologize and see what his answers to kerri's "what are you guys" question are. i haven't heard from him since. it's been over a week. frown
it's a mess. i know what i want. and the boys that like me aren't that. they're way too fuckin nice. i need a boy that's an asshole. not like beat my girlfriend type asshole, but someone who can stand up for themselves and have some motherfuckin backbone so that i don't destroy them. they all start out that way.. and then i come to find them holding my hand and watching me while i sleep... or complaining that all i ever want is sex. i want someone i can fight. and then fuck. and then go steal christmas trees with. something like that. and none of the boys that like me are like that.
not that the piercing boy was either. but he was cute. and supported the whole lets have waaay too much sex thing.
see. my problems are unsolveable. it's just me being a psycho brat.

boys suck.

i need a goldfish.
once i figure out the dnc schedule i'll let you know what's up with beign a raging drunkard.
we'll have to go hang out and be drunk sxe kids. it'll be fun.
i once got a bunch of sxe kids drunk. it was great.