i've been blowing tons of money and i feel pretty bad about it now. its just that i'm wasting all this cash instead of traveling with it, and now i feel a bit like a loser. but i've had some fun partying. still, it is time to slow down and reflect and maybe change some things. i guess i wouldn't feel as bad if i...
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I went a-drinkin'. again. this time my fav girl asked me to go out with her 2nite, but i can't cause i'm having ppl over fer dinner. sigh. but its prolly for the best. other news:
-i'm hungover
-i went to mcdonalds for breakfast.
mmm... mcdonalds.
grease is so good on a hungover tummy.
im hungover too frown i never do that. now i know why puke
I have a work picnic today, and despite the fact that it is going to rain, everyone is still hauling out food. They all must be bored. And crazy. Last night I had some friends over for dinner. We played Texas Hold 'em and drank bottles of booze. I think I'll try to take it easy tonight. Yeah right.
Hope it didn't rain on the picnic. smile
the weekend was silliness. i think the highlight was an imax under the sea thinger in 3D. Totally amazing. Of course we stopped for some Absolut Citron first and devoired it during the movie. Tuppling with kiddies around is possibly tragic, but who likes being sober? Not me. Later I MISSED the Ford Modeling Agency party to go to Chicago with my mother instead. Mistake....
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I'm missing the Ford Modeling agency party tonight to hang out with my mother. Oops.
i spent the evening at a friend's house eating pizzas we had made. a nice summer eve. today i've been reading. went out for sushi at lunch. tonight i might go to see a band.
i started drinking out at the terrace on the lake at about noon. then continued on into the wee hours of the night. we went to a really awful strip club. and a friends BBQ. i think someone made us go through the mcdonalds drive-thru. rollin around, causin trubble.
sounds kina fun
holy shit kitties. it is a beautiful day. the weekend was offically off the hook. I don't think i've ever been so drunk as i was on saturday. apparently there are photos of me :getting in a mock fight with a 60 yrold, doing various sundry things to my friend ben (like riding hiim through a bar), doing even more sundry things to anders (like...
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good lord i was a bitch last night. i was in a 'mood' even before setting foot outside. we trucked ourselves down to this bar where the going away party was to find a bunch of gross fucks eating taco dip and boring each other. i started throwing various appetizer-type objects into the garbage from where i was sitting and discussing floor-cleaning techniques with my...
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you're a partymaster.

The dinner sounds delicious, I'm sure you'll enjoy.
Can I come over for dinner?
my sister is coming to town so i'm planning a feast. i found a recipe for dark chocolate beet brownies. sounds bizarre, hopefully it is good.

last night i went to some horrendously lame art party that i left after 20 minutes. but the 20 minutes i was there, i spent chatting with a middle school art teacher about boobs popping out during class...
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The only other good scene in that movie is when one of them says "I wish I knew how to quit you!" We spent the rest of the night trying to see who could come up with the most dramatic way to say it... that is if we weren't laughing too hard...

I vote for the cooking. smile
I'm soooo convinced that the popcorn has some kind of addictive substance in it. It must since I insist on returning to pay $14 a ticket to see a movie. But I think you were right... it was the sensationalism of the movie which made it popular, and nothing more.