for everyone that posted in my last journal entry wanting me to do suicideboys, i joined and sent some pics in. i fucked up and forgot to put my name in front of the pic set. i will chalk that one up as being a noob mistake and alchol. oh well that just goes to show that nothing good ever really come out of being...
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actually i already have my next set all planned out!! i'll be shooting it at the end of this month! biggrin
hey there cutie pie

i saw where you live and i had to write ya -saw that suicideboys set too wink
anyways i grew up in chattanooga- and i had several friends who went to ooltewah high- did you grow up there too??
just wonderin'
it brought back a ton of memories...
i left chatty in 93 to go to school here in the ATL
and i'm still here 10 years later...
well, just wanted to say hello... *waves*
have a great night!
finally friday! i am going to sixflags in georgia on the first tues in august so of course time has almost stopped for me. this has been the longest week ever. from now on no more planning things out. im just going to do whatever whenever. gawd that came out weird. whatever whenever... oh well it works for me. smile

p.s. 7-26-03
thanks for all of...
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What Ginger and Clara said. biggrin
I think the best thing for us to do... would be to move away from " Rural America "...

Check this out. You win five million dollars from the Publisher's Sweepstakes, and the same day that that big Ed guy gives you the check,aliens land on the earth and say they're going to blow up the world in
two days. What do you do?
thanx for voting !!
fingers crossed
give the $$$ to the aliens and tell them to see what they can do about getting it done in one day instead.
i have spent almost all day out mowing my yard. it is so hot here. now i get to spend time hooking up my scanner i bought for $20 from some friends. if anyone knows about some good, but cheap photo software let me know. i cant afford photoshop so maybe i will just get photohop elements or something else. i feel like i need...
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"and the children that you spit on as they try to change their worlds, are immune to your consultations,
they're quite aware of what they're going through."

david bowie

p.s. sorry for putting nothing but quotes in my journal for the past few days, i have nothing really to talk about. smile
i have nothing really to write about today so here is a quote from someone else. have a nice weekend!

there's no excuse to go about your business in a half-assed way. we are only alive for a finite number of days, and we're poorer for every hour that we spend in soft-heated pursuits. we rob ourselves when we submit to diluted entertainments, buy products...
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hey, saw your posts on the lennononline forums... hows it going?
things are satisfactory.
another night another drinking binge with some friends. gawd i really need to get over my ex girlfriend. break ups are hard after you go out for almost 5 years. we have been broke up for a while and im still not over it. saw that movie identity with john cusack in it. that is one weird movie. clea duvall is in it she is...
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John Cusack is so hot! love
And I live with my ex...of 3 years...and its not nearly as akward as one may think...
but it still sucks hard sometimes...
Hope your head feels better sweetie.
kiss kiss kiss
another monday night filled with too much drinking. friends came over, ate pizza, beer, and pretty much consumed everything else that was in the fridge. i will have to go home to see my parents and steal what food i can from them. the money is too tight right now. dont get mad at me for stealing food from my parents. they know i do...
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I ALWAYS go home to see my grandparents when I got no cash money...
thats what they are there for...right? wink kiss
you're not so bad looking yourself.
for sg members that is a rare find......
lets make babies.
it is already monday again. the weekend seems to go by fast when it does nothing but rain all the time. at least it cleared up enough for me to be able to look at the moon last night. it was on of those special kind of full moons that only happens once a year. now after a night of soaking up moon beams i...
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if you are washing and drying clothes, and one sock is missing, do you hold on to the one until you find the other if ever, or just say the hell with it and throw it away? shocked i somehow keep losing the blasted things.
I always keep em'...
cause I am a girl and girls keep EVERYTHING.
tongue biggrin kiss