Never wish time away. Never wish it was tomorrow, or the weekend, or Christmas. Cause you'll never get that time back. What sucks is, I never use time well. Don't get me wrong, I have lots of fun, travel quite a bit, keep many friends, but it's the little moments in between. Like television. I love television. But it always feels like wasted time. Sure,...
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Sorry if I took a long time in letting you in, i've been very busy in real life, but welcome to the BCB group. I'm trying to get more active... I swear. smile
Wow, super-new guy. Welcome to the site, man.
Holy crap. It's almost 3am and I really should go to sleep. Adult Swim is the best and the worst. It's great background while working, yet, if it wasn't on, I'd probably be asleep.

The nuttyness of work is finally starting to settle. I'm in my home away from home here in San Diego. I've been here a year now and am ready to go...
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