love is an amazing thing. just when i think i can't possibly love chris any more i fall even more in love with him. this summer is going to be great, i can already tell. yesterday was great. chris and i went on a hike and then went fishing. man, i really suck at fishing. all i caught was a log and some dead plants....
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I'm so happy for you that your relationship is going so well. I'm jealous. I never find middle ground with girls. They either wouldn't give me the time of day or they fall so obsessively in love with me. I guess some day maybe.
My days off are Monday and Tuesday. It's sort of lame...
i want to see pictures of chris!

i suck at fishing to. when i wasn't a veggie head i used to get up at the crack of damn w/ my best friend and eat cold pizza for breakfast. then we would head down to dad's boat and sit and wait and sit and wait. we never caught anything frown
sorry i've been sort of missing in action lately. i've been really busy with coming home from school, working again, catching up with my best friend, and swooning over chris. plus it's hard to look at a "porn" site with all my family around. they just don't get it you know.

well, i've gotten all my grades back now. 3 A's and 2 A-'s baby!...
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Wow, congrats on the kick ass grades. biggrin

The only favorite things I remember about 5th grade were kisses from a cute a girl or recess.
Funny how little things change.
the bbqs are always good. just the nature of it i guess. and yeah it was definately a lot cooler today than yesterday. Im actually wearing a hoodie right now.... maybe it will warm back up... I hope so biggrin
thanks for all the encouraging words about taking meds everybody. i really appreciate it.

has anyone ever taken lexapro? if you have, what side effects did you experience, and for how long? i started taking it on monday night, and so far i've been really tired but have a hard time falling alseep. my appetite is real weird too, like i haven't eaten that much...
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tell me how they work...I'm actually not taking them...I'm doing fine...I get support most of the time...
i earned the nickname "momma chip", for having the bladder of a pregnant chipmunk. confused
it's good to be home, but for some reason now that i'm home my profile picture is different. weird. oh well. but yeah, it's good to be home. no more school for me for the next few months. i start working again tomorrow, and i'm actually looking forward to it. in know i'm crazy for saying that and i'll probably be bitching about working later,...
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isn't it soooooo strange when your room is taken over by someone else? everytime i visit my parents' place and see what my little brother has done to my old room, i get all sad. i'm not sure why, entirely. but it just hits ya right there, ya know?

good luck with the new meds hunnie. i know what it's like. i just started some new meds myself. always such a guessing game. *sigh*

thanks sweetie. its weird going to my home town too. it has now officially become surburban america. bleh. eh. it had to happen sooner or later.
i hope the meds are good for you now too. biggrin
tomorrow after lunch i get to go home. i am very happy abou this. starting tomorrow i get to see chris every day for the entire summer. what could be better than that?

i'm still so bored at school. now there really isn't anyone else here and it is very creepy at times. i don't like it. i wish chris would spend the night again...
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Wish you were 21...but I guess we have to wait...My sisters birthday is the day before yours...I would watch movies but I can't leave the state of oregon without permission...Also I don't need my nails painted...Have fun & I'll be here if ya need me...
I'm cool on the nail painting, you seem to have a relatively calm life, I envy you.
it's so weird to be halfway done with college already. well, not weird so much, just kind of scary. time has gone by so fast. it's crazy. well, finals didn't kill me. i think they went pretty well. i'm not that proud of my american lit paper, but oh well.

i wish i was home. i really miss chris a lot. the past few days...
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stacie's right...absense makes the heart grow fonder. i'm feeling that right now what with my boy way up north for another month still. stupid camp. *shakes fist*

you are so damn sweet to me. i just love you. and your new profile pic?? *drools* sooooooooooo cute you are smile
51/50ed means she was checked into the psych was because she was deemed a threat to herself or others.
sorry i've been missing in action for a while. finals have been kicking my ass. i've done so much and i still have so much more to do. i'll be so happy when it's thursday and i don't have anything else to do, i'm totally stressing out right now. i need to stop, i'm starting to not even care how i do anymore i'm so...
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I dont know why I had never seen S. List before. I think I have seen bits and pieces of it but never actually the entire thing. Those are always good movies to watch, even if they are a bit intense.

since im a bit of a matrix geek ill see if i can answer some of your questions.

sex/dance party- basically there to show you how free the people in the city are and feel. plus, its a natural tendancy to try and do something like that when you know you are on the verge of extinction.

orgasm girl- the cake that she ate was a program that the guy wrote specifically for that purpose. he basically wrote a program that was edible orgasm.

tan people - I beleive the reason people in zion are all dark skinned is purely genetics. all the people from the city are bred from other people in the city. dark skin is a stronger dna trait than white skin. therefore after the years of interbreeding. more people will be dark than white. the only people that are white would be people from a bloodline that was entirely white.

hope that helped biggrin lol
summer. totally summer. i was born in the summer and if i could i would spend everyday swimming in the lake, eatin grapes, camping and waterskiiing.

i heard there is a pretty funny scene in that movie. a little Titanic scene where keanu pumps the girl's heart and says he won't let go smile
i'm so much happier when the weather is all nice and sunny, it's like i almost feel more whole inside. does anyone else get this? like i get this feeling inside of me like my body is remembering every summer i've ever had and all the fun all at once. it feels so good. i love this weather. everyone else is moping about how hot...
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me too! me too! get that happy feeling when it's summer time.. my answer on what i'm gonna do this summer could be the same as yours, except that i'm prolly not going to hang out in portland..tongue i also REALLY REALLY want to find a job and move to live in another town.. i had fun dancing on saturday night - i wish you could have been there dancing with me as well! girls are the best dancing companion! biggrin
cleaned today. its all done. turning my keys in tomorrow. egh. im agonna miss dat little pit. this place is nice, but im used to living alone. i feel like its the eternal sleepover. surreal
i began the packing process last night. eventhough i'm not going home for the summer until june 2 i want to get as much as i can packed early so i don't have to try to cram everything in my car. my packing was interrupted though by porn. damn you porn, damn you. so i watched "sink the pink" with some people across the hall...
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Ah boy do I miss those days, community porn floor watching.

Good Luck with your finals
Ahhh.. packing.
I should be doing that AWS, lazy lazy me.... robot
I think it would be more fun to pack someone else's stuff than my own. My packing elves have abandoned me in the mid 80's and stayed in Moscow.
i miss chris so much already. it sucks. i really just want to be home right now. i miss my sweetie. i'm so sick of school, of the classes, or the stupid busywork homework, of tests, of papers, of the people here, of everything. i just want to be away from it all. i want to be at home with chris, working and making some...
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That is sad. it makes you feel so helpless!

As strange as it sounds, i want a 3 way relationship, i think that it would be cool. but like you say i think we should spend more time togather as a trio!
That's so sad... frown It's true, bad things do happen to good people, and good neighbours like that are so hard to find...

and it'll be summer soon enough, so don't get too bogged down by school smile
i had the most amazing time at the beach ever. it was so great. i really wanted it never to end. i fell so much deeper in love with chris during the time we were constantly together too. we had the most perfect weather when we were there. it did pour and even hail, but whenever it did it would only last a few minutes...
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They 86ed my pics too frown
Your weekend sounded awesome, Glad you had a great time. The hotel sounded terrific.

they server crashed and I guess any pic uploaded after a certain date was lost, but i am sure someone already told you that by now, I'ma little late.