Drunken weekend... Last night had a party at friends house. The following was my drink list:
2 beers
1 vodka tonic
2 shots citrus flavored vodka
conservative estimate of 6 jello shots of various colors and alcohols
about 1/2 can of pineapple that had been soaked in vodka
about 3 shots of said vodka used for soaking of pineapple.

No hang over today...YAY I can...
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In my life of drinking, Vodka has been the choice, to not have any hang-overs, .... especially when not mixed with anything loadeod in sugar. Sugar is the main cause fo a hangover, as if you drink more sugars, you are dehydrated, in the long run... along with carbonation, .... which helps speed the process. And always, ... make sure you drink at least a bottle of water, before going to sleep. wink
Lets just start by saying that Murphy guy and his law are sure having an effect on my family. As those of you know that know me probably know, my dad went through quite a scare. He had a blood clot in his lower intestine. He had about a foot of removed, and had some heart issues while in the hospital for that. It was...
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seriously crazy how that when it rains, it pours.

*sends you good karma*

well.... I think the time has come for me to give up SG. I have very few friends on here, I don't really look at the sets that much any more. So, if you want to keep in touch with me, send me an email, myspace page, or yahoo messenger id and I will keep in touch that way. I will be around for a...
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aww frown
You better stay in contact with me so we can hang out when i visit my mom! red_fire_witch@yahoo.com
or myspace- www.myspace.com/redfirewitch
Sad to see you go!!! Love ya please keep in touch! love-ireland
I really have nothing to write about at the moment, other than my wife is getting a new job. I am REALLY happy for her. This job should be an awesome fit for her. She is going to be a disease investigator. How awesome would that be? Any tie there is a case or an outbreak of tuberculous she gets to go investigate it. I...
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thats pretty fucking badass! congrats to her biggrin
Sounds like a great concept for a television series wink
Thanks for the friend request.
Tita "Mystery Package"
Do you love it?
So... I finally feel as though things are getting back to normal. You never know how much family really means to you until you almost lose someone. My dad had a bout a 10% chance of living through his ordeal. If it wasn't for the balls of one surgeon he would be gone. This lady was amazing, she worked under conditions that few other would...
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It's so hard to imagine life without someone that close but we've both come close to having to deal with it. I'm happy that this doctor/surgeon took their job serious.

Good for you. biggrin
roomies are the pits!

i am back in Las Vegas...things are going well. My dad is doing much better. I spent the last week in a hospital, so I have nothing else to really share...
Welcome back home smile
Going to Iowa tomorrow... My dad had emergency surgery today. he is doing okay but i need to be there for him and my mom. I will talk to you all when I get back.
Godspeed to you
good luck handsome
I get to spend all of next week in a hotel. If it weren't for the fact that I still have to go work and that my in laws will be in town, it would almost be like a vacation...
How is it that you still work? What happened?
it is like vacation dude dont second guess the fact that u dont have to make the bed
or do the dishes

i miss hockey... I hate this time of year no sport i like. :-(
I am going to a concert tonight!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't have to work tomorrow...bigger YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!
nothing realy to write about... Just thought I would say hi
Hi! biggrin And I hope I feel better soon also, being sick sucks...
Well HI! back at ya!
It is a hard thing but I'm finally doing it. Woohoo!

ps, any news on the possible move back to soggy Ia?