What would be the things you'd like to do if the world was really going to end on Friday?

I've seen people asking and answering these questions all week, and I wonder to myself what my answer would be.

To no surprise, there is a whole lot of sexual endeavors that I'd gladly take on, but that wouldn't be my only focus (Even if it...
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The week already feels odd with this whole Mayan Calendar ordeal. Whether it be a metaphorical, spiritual, physical adaptation of the end of the world... Or nothing at all... It seems like this one has everyone at the edge of their seat with curiosity.

Why would you need the end of the world to be imminent in order to live your life, though? smile

It's a...
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Just sharing a smile with the SG universe.
Hola vidasinmuerte smile
I found this amusing as hell. Someone told me I look like Hesher from the movie with the same name... And I thought about checking out a few minutes of it last night.

...... I was glued to the damn movie!

If you haven't seen it, check it out. It's a weird type of humor, but it made me laugh and kept my attention throughout.

That is such a great movie. I loved it.
Deathstars mode: On.

*cheers* Here's to a new month that hopefully wont have near-death experiences for me in its agenda :-P I think I had enough of those last month.

I'm just sitting at home, checking out The Walking Dead marathon until the new episode comes along, listening to some Deathtars after a satisfying workout. Let the new week roll in biggrin

Just leaving these...
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Have a nice week my friend!!
Interesting days have passed... More interesting days to come.

Commencement of car repairs has taken place. I've rented a nice set of wheels in the meantime.

Just saw Red Dawn with my little brother. It got my adrenaline running strong... Not because the enemies portrayed are from North Korea, etc, but because of just humans in general. It would be detrimental to my argument (ironic)...
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Good luck on the gigs!
Also, thank you very much for the support in my set! kiss
Woot woot!!
Rock on there captain!
lol I know what you mean by distracting SG, it is a thing we both have in common haha.
Lmfao! Almost burnt the house down last night thanks to an oddly designed stove and plastic containers. What a fucking Monday.

My house turned into Silent Hill for an hour. No pictures were taken, unfortunately. I had more things to worry about... Like the life of my brother, friends and cats lol.

If it wasn't for me staring at the stove while it was...
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water, lots of water, haha... what a mess that was!
MY CAR'S BACK! .... Are you ready for the reason why it had so many electrical problems? It was the smallest, tiniest, and most annoying fuse in the world. After checking ALL fuses and relays, then continuing to removing the alternator to get it checked out at an auto zone, being told it works perfectly fine, then spending hours upon hours taking off panels to...
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Thank you! Glad your car is ok now.
Car overheated yesterday so I have no car for this beautiful weekend. It still wont stop me from figuring out a solution to this smile I'm usually the designated driver for all my friends, so I can only hope that the favor is returned smile

Either way, it's Friday and I'm feeling great! I hope you're all gonna do the same smile

I just started a new album...
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]i[Hope you can fix the car soon...in th meanwhile...get drunk and have a lot of fun!!
That is weird that it would overheat and it would be electrical...unless maybe the fan isn't engaging to help cool it down? Or the belt that turns the alternator is attach to the drive shaft and the water pump, and the belt is shot to hell and not turning it fast enough to cool the engine down. Either case, best of luck! I love working on cars....yeah....that was sarcasm. lol

Your workout sounds pretty intense, I will check out this guy on youtube, see what his advice is. I blow glass with an ex-personal trainer/gym rat, and he's pretty good on diet advice and what to do to shap whatever I am looking to workout. Long hair, hippy glass blower. Awesome guy. smile I really just need to get down to business because I haven't been able to tap him out in the 2 years we have been going to the MMA class, but we always train with eachother, so he may be 40 lbs lighter than me, and the same height BUT he is STRONG. I have to try and catch him off guard, but my disability is also my strength. I am ogre sized. lol

Thanks for the compliments on the make-up and glass! If you want to check out what I currently have listed to sell, it is on Etsy under thriftyhead. I also have really nice inlines and other stuff my friend makes, but I am currently trying to design a website for my business so I can put whatever I want on there to sell...my problem...its been 10 years since I designed a web page and I am drawing all of my background artwork, banners and everything else to add then throwing them on the computer to graphically make sure they are looking good....long process. lol But wth, I want it to look like a good representation of me and not just another online glass shop.
That moment when you say something, the other person says "no, that's not how it is" and then proceeds to repeat exactly what you say... Leaving you with the famous line "... but, that's what I just said."

I'm sure I'm not the only one that's gone through this. It can get frustrating lol. All I can do is just laugh it off every time.
Well I threw a photo up of a couple of my midgets and their make up for this Halloween. Turned out pretty amazing. smile But yes, definitely a fellow Crow so far as the first movie goes. Loved Repo The Genetic Opera though, and the Gravedigger was definitely my favorite character, not to mention both songs he sing, mainly Zydrate Anatomy though. Yeah, when I was going through your photos I was amazed, you definitely have a lot of resemblance to Brandon Lee, especially in the Crow. Definitely cool in my book. Thanks for the compliments on the glass, that was some old work, so I threw a few new pieces up on a new blog, of course trying to sell, but that's not why I mention it to you at all. Going to add some new artwork also. Do you act? Well have a good day!
Thank you so much smile I appreciate it!