There's no better way to know just how bad your pms is then a trip to walmart.
so i started working full time at a catering company. it's my first "real job" in years. and by that i mean a job i don't care about and basically don't get to do what i want. i freaking hate it.i don't know how people do it. the grown up life ain't for me. bit it's what i have to do for now until i...
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why is it the most annoying customers are the ones to get tattooed the most? twice in one week. it's just not fair. mad

ahahahhaha!! biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin
nip/tuck never seems to amaze me. eeek
you know what really fucking pisses me off? when my mom ASKS me to help her stop smoking, and then i catch her smoking this morning. she looks me right in my face and tells me she wasn't.so i took her cigarettes. then everything is fine. she tells me she's fine with it and not mad at all. then she goes somewhere with my sister...
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Know what I did as a little kid that helped my mom stop?
When she lit up, I went to the kitchen and got a glass of water.
And threw it in her face to put it out.

It worked!
so i was watching family guy and since i have the attention span of a gold fish, i flip channels when a commercial comes on. i watched the american music awards just long enough to see daultry beat out norah jones and john mayer. wtf? how did he even get in that category? i've said it before and i'll say it again, clear channel is...
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I HATE jonh mayer!!! mad lol
this song constantly runs through my head

along with the image of robert plant in those pants.
Sounds like quite a serious condition.
that was a good one.
I am too. I haven't read the books, but I hope the bears kick some ass.
ha! wink
recently i've moved to maryland to stay with my fam so i can go to school full time. a month after i got here , they decided they were moving to new jersey....but not until febuary. which means i can't even start until we move. so i'm really bummed. and to top it all off they drive me insane. also my car broke down and...
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