i got a new hamster named michael bolten and he is the fuzziest sweetest little guy ever! he is a teddy bear hamster. i am pretty much broke so i really shouldn't have gotten him but oh well...he'll pay for himself in time haha
had to miss school thursday to go to my uncle's funeral. yuck i hate sad days like that. well it's over...
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First day of school was good, thanks for asking. A little intimidating, going back after a 2 year hiatus, but I got through it. I'm known as "that beer guy" now, cause I can actually buy alcohol.

Sorry to hear about your uncle.

Good luck with Kyle?
yay for new hamsters! boo for other stuff
my first day of school totally rocked my socks! well, besides the part where i couldn't find a good space and almost cried. then i had to walk like thirty million miles to my first class. then kyle came to my rescue and gave me a ride back to my car. my knight in shining armor!
well the show tonight was super fun, and i...
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glad it wasn't so bad, i had a bad dream where we died and i woke up crying, what's with our dreams lately?
only one full day until school! yay and oh no! i'm excited and scared about school. i guess it's not really a big deal but i'm sooo nervous.
tonight was a battle.
time to hit the hay. maybe i'll wake up tomorrow and magically have a job. surreal
i have nightmares about school. more power to you though!! smile
I'm excited.....class starts Wednesday for me. I got all my books, I'm moved into the dorm. No roommate has shown up yet. It's a little scary too though.
so i have no job at all now

a poem
another dream
cold and helpless.
stop this.
dream another dream
stop this dreaming
only see what is really
no dream ever did anything
stupid dream
every single night
you are here.
you stupid dream.
i think we should have a pet store, i was thinking about that right before i read your comment
oh i miss richard. i wish i knew where he was. well i think i got a new job today. as a manager/receptionist at a nail salon. that would be fun. way more fun then having to touch strangers' dirty laundry all day, right?
ah, school is closing in fast. maybe i'll have a breakdown and won't have to go. i want a new piercing....or...
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richard will come back soon, at least we can hope..i'm the drug store whore, little hot dog shaped erasers love haha
Well i'm back and i guess things will get back to normal, no more vacation for me. man, philadelphia was soooo great. i'm so spoiled now though, the vegan food up there fucking rocks! well i went to call my boss and he just flat up told me that he hired someone in my place while i was gone. mother fucker!
what a bastard! so...
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I'll be going to UNA, I'm assuming you're at UAH or Calhoun? You mentioned needing books.
what if i don't wanna? tongue hehe
i'm in philadelphia and it fucking rocks here. it's hot as hell though. we're staying at janine and nicole's from witch hunt'
apartment. its hot as hell. last night was cool. but tonight limp wrist is playing and i'm gonna flip out. oh! and we saw atom from atom and his package! we went up to him and i was so starstruck and we got...
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hey babygirl, i'm glad you're having a good time, love you kiss
it's hot as hell in North Alabama too...you're not missing much.
today we leave for pointless fest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm so fucking excited!
haha i still have like twenty million things to do but i can't make myself go yet because kyle is just laying there asleep all cute like....i missed him so much when i was in NC but i'm home now and can't wait to spend time with him on the trip. i wonder how long...
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that kitten is the cutest thing ever...i bet coconut balls was that cute too hehe..hope you have a good time. oh i told kyle on IAM that i have a hatchling turtle i'm gonna try to keep alive till you guys get back
going out of town for a week, a whole week hooray. then i get to come back and go to pointless fest the next day! i got fired today, but i'm gonna get rehired when i come back at a different store. confusing. eeek
i got a new car, so i am through with all my mobile problems. it's an 93 buick skylark (a.k.a. pimpmobile) and...
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Very cool pics.

Have fun on your vaca.
i know one day it will get better, just not for another year or so. surreal

oh well, i should really learn to count my blessings and not be negetive.
saturday night woo hoo
went out to the coffee shop last night with berta and april. super fun! drank way too much coffee and stayed up way too late. only three hours of sleep. bad girl!
well fixin to go and disrupt ash's quiet night love
hey babe, got branded, it was intense, gotta come see it