so everything is going good right now...it's so hot and humid here and i just can't wait for pointless fest.
so mushing right along...
i just watched deuce bigalo for the first time. pretty funny.
i guess that's all for now...not really anything tongue
oh yeah..don't you guys have big spring jam or panaply or whatever..coming soon? it's hot and humid here too...i don't think i can ever escape it.
I didn't really find Deuce Bigalo all that funny, but I did watch it around the time of all the other Adam Sandler/Rob Schneider movies, so it coulda been overkill.
what to eat today...hmm
so had another one of those nights. very dramatic, very life-changing. ick, got an email from my ex again. THANKS A LOT! whatever
but i'll just go on my cheery way. another punk rock show in huntsville tonight! gonna be lotsa fun tongue
its over 100 lately..it's like 35 celcius with a humidex of over 40..35c is like 100f. this is the hottest summer in toronto's history..what luck.shocked

good luck with the wedding planning. cliff i just went to the court house and it was kinda blah but we had fun.

our window unit is the same way. makes the living room livable but you still 3 fans to circulate it all.
Hey, a new member from the North Alabama area....welcome. Enjoy the site, good luck with the modeling.
been a while since i updated..hmm what's new? not very much. another rainy day, if this means hanging around in bed watching movies, then that's ok with me love
i was supposed to go get my last paycheck today but i just couldn't force myself...i'll do it later.
nothing to say
hell yeah summer will kill you! get a window unit, thats what we had to do here. this is the hottest summer in toronto ever...so we got really lucky whatever .

well you have like a year, so i'm sure you'll get it all together before then. are you having a tradiontal type wedding?
sorrow, where art thou?
i came by your house with kiki and you were nowhere to be found. me sweet, sweet sorrow. oh well. . .
so in other news i'm tired as hell and gotta get up at 7 in the AM so i'd better be going? tongue
kiss kiss
thats exciting! where are you guys getting married at? yes, it's definatly nice to be able to have money and do things. i feel like we constantly are struggling to keep our head above water here. back home things come a lot easier.
not having a car is actually really nice. my tattoo is flaking away like hell now and i'm trying to be a good little girl and not scratch any. oh, i still have to take a pic of it, too.
David, if you are out there, you need to get a subscription to SG so we can keep up with each other. and i'm sorry...
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my husband is candian, so we moved to toronto. it's like a different world compared to h'ville...but i do miss it sometimes.

i lived on the southside up (mountain gap hahah) up until i was 18, then i lived off sparkman.
thats crazy!

canada is great! minus the fact i'm still a u.s citizen, so i dont' get the free health care. toronto is so much fun and really fucking diverse. you'd probably love it here.

it's so expensive though. rent is insane, and you live in the 'ghetto'. and the apartments are soooo small too.

we're actually moving back to huntsville at the begining of next year for a bit. should be nice to actually have money again though! tongue
ah! went to chattnooga to see Seein Red and such and i left my id in my friend's car back at the house we were going to crash at so i couldn't get in even though i'm obviously over 18. well that's ok...because then we went to knoxville yesterday to see the holy mountain and sadville, and then fruit salad and terminal youth just hopped...
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what part of h'vegas are you from?
yay, i'm glad that you had fun..it was my mom's car that got wrecked..it's also good that you don't have to go to steak out..i couldn't get my machine to work, but oh well someday...
today is a new day and it's going to be different from now on.
i'm going to devotions tattoo today to get the prices and everything ready for saturday. i'll put a pic up when i actually get it done. i'm sooooo excited. and not just about the tattoo.
had a rough night...but it's not going to be like that anymore blackeyed
well off i go....
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heh, thats all right, drinking was not required. Although fun. Now I need a random road trip to entertain me. I am thinking St, Louis or memphis
i'm finally done bitching.
afterall, it doesn't really do any good. iron lung show in just a few short hours! so excited!
Taking anything interesting in school? Whatcha gonna study?
i'm too cool for school tongue
well it turns out i might owe a lot of money. so that's great.
in other news my cat has fleas so bad that even when i'm at work i see fleas jump off of me. i feel so gross. and have no car. well who cares, at least i'm not paralysed or something. well, even then everything would be ok. i just feel so...
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i got into a fucking car accident today. fuck. fuck, fuck.
ophelia died, my car is fucked.
well feel free to cheer me up.
ooh but i saw the movie high tension and i was surprised b/c i hadn't heard that it was french and french horror just tickles me. well since everything is looking so down, i'm so easy to please. that's nice...
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Oh wow, I hope you are not injured in any way. I am going to pick up the book you reccomended though. Feel better and good luck getting a new vehicle
I tryed to call you twice and some lady answered and said something about a 'youth leage'..and it was your number cause the second time i got it off the caller id. haha i don't know what that was about.