Good Gooly, what a long week. things are coming along quite nicely. Work is, well, work although I am looking into a fulltime position with benifits and just putting in full time hours. I am also looking at grabbing a second job to pay down the debt load. so things are cruising. I may even get a smile now and then blush
well let's say that the meds may be working and family is coming by to support. So I may actually show a grin. I may not see the forest yet but I think I am starting to understand it is a group of trees.

Aw good luck with your struggles!

Also - finally! Being short has it's advantages! wink
Well, the gleam IS in my eyes, but still love the positive streak! biggrin
My outlook has gone to Shite. I'm presently drinking Absolute Ruby Red:taking "sleep aids": and wondering f mabye I should start huffing??

Hmm, Yeah Bad Day!!!

love is the answer but you must be cognoscente to accept it
i hadn't thought about it. that's a good idea. i don't think there's anyplace around here to do that...i'd probably have to go to denver.
You are too too kind my good sir, but your comment totally made my day. I'm sorry that your life is currently crappy too! It seems to be a case of that going around, let's commiserate together!
Whoo Hoo!!!
Just got back from seeing the Black Crowes with my ex- wife. It was just an hour or so away in Victoria tonight. They freakin' rocked. They played Mostly stuff from warpaint their recent album and it was so good. They even had this duelling guitar jam style session that made you think you could have been at a "Who" or "Pink Floyd"...
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Im one of the three people I know that are to this day Black Crows Fans...I love that band always have prollie always will. I've been to ONE concert of theirs, I wish I could catch them more often.
I've caught them twice. once I don't really remember but I do know that they are one band that puts music before profit AND sounds good despite a shitty sound man/ venue

Chris was married to Kate what's her name!!!
how hot is that?!

Well obviously Step one didn't work ... YET.
BUT it has been a good summer. I have been working on the beach. Getting a tan. Met a few people and generaly just let things play out. So as Sept looms I am going backto basics. Family, Dogs, Sobriety, and making headway.

This weekend I actually watched quite a bit of TV, this weekend with my...
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I'm an emotional Volcanoe.
I haven't been on SG for a quite some time due to my life. And as Stone Temple Pilots would say " Burn your wicked garden to ground".
So now i'm back hopefully by writing this and reading other peoples blogs I will perform step 1.
Which, for those of you that don't know me, is "PULL HEAD YOUR HEAD...
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We've missed you! biggrin
Stick around man! How you doing?
So apperently I'm broke. Hell I knew that 2yrs ago when I split. but even sice then i have been living beyond my means. ahh well money comes and goes.
I got my new tat
the copyright
and really it sucks. I felt it at the time but didn't call him on itm, my fault: I am writing it off as it adds to the...
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therse not many good tat artists i can find in my city it sucks so i feel yeah about finding one you can trust frown

thanks for the comment btw on combat baby =)
thank u so much for ur comment!!!!! im glad that u liked the tattoo!!!
Got home from the Eddie Vedder Gig. So Fr%&%'n amazing! I didn't really think the Ucayali was a n instrument until last night. he played the Beatles, Cat Stevens, The Boss, and Tom Petty Plus all of his personal achievements. God he Rocks.
It's to bad there were so many dumb ass fans. One guy in front of me actually yelled out"Shut up and sing!"...
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Well midterms are done. and I think i passed them all. My paycheck took a big hit with all the extra time off but we do what we need to.
Now I have reading break, a week to myself!!! I am going to the Yukon to spend time with my dad and get some self reflection in the back country. I am taking my camera...
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thanks! kiss
Very cool, I can't wait to see what the black with red looks like!!!

I am so glad that you enjoyed my set, thank you so much for the comment, I truly do appreciate it smile