so, the deuce rocked out last friday at connections, to a record attendence of over 10 people! fuck yes, and the rock was good, indeed.
just found out my friends void control are going on tour with the DICKIES!!
hell yes, if they are in your town, go check it, you won't be disappointed. tell jeff bastard that uncle chris sent ya.
more later,...
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dude i bought an American flag AND an Italian flag today. i'm nuts. surreal
What up?
my job is really stressing me the fuck out.
i know, all jobs suck, blah blah...
and i feel guilty when i have friends out of work, who am i to bitch? i can pay my rent and live comfortably. but the stress is so fucking out of hand, i wonder how much longer i can keep it up.
i wish i could get a...
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I know what you mean! work can just suck sometimes. how did the show go last night, couldn't make it do to work.
first try a xanex and then try the relaxation thing....its worked for me once or twice.

My work stresses me out on occasion. Living happy has become more important then the work lately. As long as I am present and do my best at work I am happy. I have laid off the over acheiver stuff for a while. There are more important things to have then more money or more success...like happiness, love...really hot sex. All of which are great for relieving stress btw.

Way past due
(or heartbreak on the installment plan)

been doin a lotta thinkin bout
when we
had it goin on it was
right fine
cant tell me you never had a
good time
but Im way past due

been so long
been so long
and Im way past due
been so long
without you

haunting my dreams at night
I cant sleep...
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is it true that boyz like the lips swingin in their face??? tongue
"i don't understand moderation
don't wanna learn your education
i'm just looking for some sweet salvation
now get outta my way"
Damn, that's a good one!
Information is not knowledge.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is the best.

-Frank Zappa
*GRRRRRRR* about your dad, oh God I'm sorry! I know, believe me. frown I wonder if one day I will ever have something with my Dad, I am so faithful it could happen but you just don't know. One day maybe we'll all (you and your dad included of course) surprise each other. That was one thing my Dad told me in tears the last time I saw him, that he keeps hoping one day I'll come around to "surprise" him. Makes me weepy to think of it actually, to know he still has some faith as well. I pray, seriously that there could be a connection for you 2 one day. That is esp traumatizing that he lives so close. Just awful. And the AA factor-God do I know about that, fuck. Just heartbreaking. I think by the time my Grandfather died at 70, he had finally gotten sober. So there's always hope and it can't hurt to just wish. blush
Well good faith to you. Yes I had a great time, thanks for acknowledging it. I look forward to more; it'll be a regular thing. smile YAY!!! To fulfill everyone's secret deisre to be a CARNY of sorts!!!! HA!!!! eeek
Have a good one! kiss
oh yes there are more of course, i forgot to tell you!
check out the boys' site... i just redid/updated it today.
so, my knee is fuckin acting up again...my sister had a healthy baby-girl...my job is stressing me the hell out...i have to move/buy a house before september...my brother is getting married in a month and the bachelor party plans are still not locked down...still haven't done my taxes...might have to sell my beloved chevelle...whats up with YOU?
WOW thanks for the compliment!!! "good shit", huh? COOL! it was just for a friend's college thesis....so that is where it will wind up, can't wait to see it, if i get to. but i will include it when i do a zine next, whenever that may be.
Yeah, happy bunny day too. i went to church today b/c i am looking to be awarded "the queen of bizarre" or something. i wanted to ask if they had volunteer work, like feeding the homeless but i was so bored and had to pee so i left after communion. i am wild, i tell you. i'll find out another time i guess. surreal
congrats to your sister!

i know...it healed so great! the colors are so vivid...
i love the typeface too. they had me look at a book of different thai type and that was the one they recommended - the artist's friend, pointing to it, said to me, "look very beautiful when tattooed" smile

im about to have a nervous breakdown.
my head really hurts.

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well let me bring this back in an attempt to cheer you up:

thank you! i love it too. yes, it's painted canvas. throwaway from work.

my friends and i were in middle school (whoa.. i am a whole 10 years younger than you!) and we were in love with him at the time. so that sucked.
if only i could get paid to procrastinate!
i have to move this summer, and i've decided rather than moving to another apt, this time i'm not fucking around. i'm going to buy a house. i know it's not going to be easy, but like they say, nothing worth achieving is ever easy. at least i think thats what "they" say. i haven't spoken to...
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it is good to be back!
but i loved thailand so much, i want to buy a vacation home there... it's not out of the question either, apparently all i need is about 20,000 usd!
i'll be uploading more pictures soon.... after you commented, i added two of the tattoo in progress, you can sorta get an idea. it's my subtle pogues tattoo. it says: when it's summer in siam and the moon is full of rainbows. in thai of course. smile

your new profile pic is a good picture of you.
oh yeah, good luck on buying the house. don't worry...it's not as scary as it seems.
come visit us soon. smile
YEAH BABY. that's quite alright. i just had to lecture Rump today about how i don't like it when he calls me "man" and "dude", that i prefer "baby", "honey" and "sugar pie" amoungst others. blush
Thanks for the compliment...if you need/want any custom work for your band or whatever, whistle! love
fuck yeah, i made me some deeelicious basa filets tonight, in garlic, butter and lemon. tasty din-din indeed.
watched both "school of rock" and "lost in translation" last night. school of rock was pretty good, but lost in translation wrecked me. i must be turning into a pussy. feelings, feh.

i put some of my bands new shit up here:Triple Deuce
its sloppy and...
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I was once sent to the principal's office for screaming out "R E S P E C T Find out what it means to me!" after my "Personality Development" (i went to a Nazi born again Christian school) teacher told us we had no respect for her. BOO HOO!
Oh, there was some hard core band years ago called Baby I'm A Star.
sweet, triple deuce has a confirmed gig booked for friday night may 7th at connections in clifton, nj.
no word on the other bands yet.
and with a little help from former band-mate mark of the hudson falcons, we should have a nice handful of shows lined up before long. i'm looking forward to playing out regularly again, its been too long.
I see you update your journal quite regularly! why the hell did i call you Mr. Horse Shoe? did i see a moustache last time?Fascinating! NO i have never heard of that band, but what a fine name that is. And yes, fingerbanging. Actually the only times i have ever heard that terminology was in FMJ and from the mouth of the last female i did so to. She didn't say it but lists it as an interest on Friendster. God bless. EL SUICIDO LOCO
Actually the band I was referring to is called Blacklist, it gets confusing as there are a buncha bands with the same and/or similar names. Click that link and check 'em out, they actually have every song they've ever recorded available on their site for free. They're doing something a bit different, blending some Oi/Streetpunk stuff with Hard Core and a lot of varied influences are really showing through on their newest record, I think they're great, but a lot of people don't really get them since they don't really fit the mold.
As far as the Falcons or anybody else you know that wants to come through, feel free to give 'em my info, I'll be happy to do whatever I can.
I dunno how much you'd really be into my band, we aren't very rock 'n' roll, more old school hardcore punk style, but a couple of us are really into the whole punk 'n' roll style as well as street type stuff.
ok, tonight we decided we need to start gigging. we are up to a solid 8 songs and we just wanna play already. i originally thought we should wait till we get a few more songs but fuck it, we need to play out. the other songs will come. so, opening shows, last minute shit, whatever. we are ready.
i have to re-establish alot of...
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Cool man let me know where you play! What kind of rock do you guys play? Flatus is playin at connections on march 13. Later dude
WTF?! Fucking Nazi's! Yet they let all of the threads that have jokes about dead baby's and raping 12 year old's stay up. I'm getting fed up with this shit. I just may not renew next month. Fuck 'e if they can't take a joke!