

Thanks for the thoughts for my NaNa. She's the koolest.
Thanks to everyone who is sending my mom good thoughts...I appreciate them all, and so does she!

General Tuesday Morning Musings:

1) There is no substitute for real Grape Nuts. The generic kind just can't hold a candle to the original. I eat them every morning. YUM!

2) There's nothing worse than the sound of a cat hacking up a hairball or getting sick. Mine...
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I have the Mamma's and the Papa's going through my head....Monday, Monday....ugh, now it's never going to get out. Oh well, it's better than that stupid Charmin commercial...If I hear that song, I am going to hurt someone!

Still need good thoughts for my mom. She's going to need them! And for her boyfriend, too. His surgery is scheduled today. Sucks because he has no...
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Thanks for the comment on my set smile kiss

:sending good vibes to your Momma:
You put that song in my head now! Wel, It's better than the Def Leppard song that was in there before, so thanks! smile
I am sending good thoughts to your mom and her boyfriend too.

You are a beautiful bride,by the way.
Life just sucks, sometimes. My beautiful mom has been shit on by life. She lost her job on Thursday, and last night found out her boyfriend has colon cancer, and needs surgery TOMORROW.

Hwr boss is psycho, and had made some serious mistakes, so mom can sue her for a bunch of crap and get lots of money. She has over 30 years experience in...
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when did you get married?
Happy Friday! I am *so* glad it's friday. I still have to work tomorrow, but since it's with hubbie, it's pretty easy. Stuffing envelopes with thank you notes is *so* mindless, it's kind of nice.

Not much else to say...fighting depression still, but it's getting better. Just need to get through the next few weeks.

I see my best friend next week smile to help her...
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my right arm took the longest
happy saturday. hope you are enjoying the weekend thus far.
School is fantastic, thanks for asking
What is your tattoo of?
Or what does it look like?

[Edited on Sep 09, 2004 1:07PM]
i love trading spaces...
but i'm obsessive over 'what not to wear' and 'while you were out'.
WOW! Was I on some SERIOUS crack last night. Actually, it was prettier than crack- it was paint fumes! No wonder kids huff- that shit is downright trippy. I am back on earth today. it was a good day. Pissed at Walgreens, though- they didn't develop any of the pictures of my dining room renovation and bathroom from this weekend. I'll have to go over...
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WHEW! I am FLYING high right now...no, not from what you *think*. Try putting polyeurethane on a wall in a *very* tiny bathroom with some shitty ventilation. OMG, this is crazy! I am seriously high!! I have two more coats to put up, and I am not sure I am going to be able to. Think I'll have to bust out the oh-so-sexy hospital mask...
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what the fuck? i thought that shit was only real in dirty erotica collections i borrowed from my dirty friends
i used to have a fantasy involving nubile men and women i could paint and pose and just leave in a room
and fuck, of course, whenever i wanted
i am also no MILF, of course....
girl, you are going to fuck yourself up with this paint
take a break, its dangerous to get all extra up ons the chemicals
Success! I got the bathroom painted! In a moment of clarity, I realized that the plaster thing wasn't going to work out, so I rag rolled the rest of the walls. The effect is the same from a paint perspective, but the texture on the plaster wall is pretty kick ass. I am *very* pleased with myself right now. Tomorrow, I'll sand down some of...
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one day my ASS! Ugh. I am painting/plastering my bathroom with a faux finish. It's supposed to look like an old world plaster. The guide said 1 day to do- um, WRONG! Okay, so I really only worked for 4-5 hours on it, but I just got ONE wall done. That's it. I think I am going to rag roll the wall above the shower,...
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Painting sux. smile
In answer to last weeks ?:
I'm on West Campus this semester. Next I'll be at NW.
Later... smile
i cant tell you to stay
ill just tell you id miss you blush
good luck with the walls, im never really able to finish projects that start that way
too much to put in to it, i think, or maybe just the time
i never feel like i have any time to do anything--maybe i should cut back on my daily dose of sg biggrin