today has been a day of cravings. craving cigarettes, craving fire again, craving tonight to hang out with this cool boy i met recently....

i'm getting really tired of the current events forum already. its mostly just people insulting each other for having different beliefs. i try to be respectful to everyone, but its difficult when they are just monkeys throwing feces. which is disappointing,...
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"I am Cecil B. Demented, the ULTIMATE auteur."

Ahahahaha. That movie has so many good lines. I love Maggie Gyllenhaal and I love Jack Noseworthy.

La la la.

Now I can tell everyone I say beatiful and truthful things. Yay!
yeah, yesterday we decided to install a car alarm at nova, worked on it until 8 or so, finished it all up, locked our tools away, got in the car ready to leave, and then it wouldn't start. we had to spend 45 minutes in the dark, in the cd, trying to fix the starter, hoping we didn't completely fuck something up.

it sucked.
i went to fire class last night. paul was trying to teach me new moves but i couldn't seem to get them, and the frustration of that on top of the whole moving-to-sweden drama reduced me to tears.

i wasn't sure if i should light my poi in such a state of mind.

DreamMaker said, "just do what you know."

L said, "i think you...
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Things that are energetic and curious and fun remind me of how lifeless and apathetic I am. I love Love because, by comparison, I am productive and original.

Yay! for you and Yay! for firespinning with real live fire. And I say that without even a trace of sarcasm.
You looked comfortable, natural and beautiful on Wednesday night. Not everyone can do that while on fire ;-T

I'm glad you decided to go for it and I can't wait to see the pictures.

See you at class.

P.S. Didn't I tell you the sound would get you hooked. :-D
goddamn motherfucking sonofabitch.

i talked to my friend in sweden last night. he says he didn't really say yes. then he proceeded to confuse the fuck out of me and basically tell me that he doesn't want to do it, without giving me any reason why. he said he was being the voice of reason but he DIDN'T GIVE ME ANY FUCKING REASON!

he said...
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make an offering to the fire gods with your poi tonight for this fool to see the error of ways...

good luck with your first spin, I'm excited for you
I generally have a higher opinion of love than I do of toddlers, but I get the point.

I'm sorry the moving thing isn't exactly going smoothly right now frown
my daydreams have shifted me into sweden. i might as well say goodbye and leave right now, because i'm already gone.

well tell the HELLACOPTERS howdy.

(jack black? funny for a bit...now? whatever!!)
IKEA has that effect on me too.
we were watching orange county last night. if you haven't seen it, its about a boy who decides he wants to be a writer, and tries to get into stanford cuz that's where his favorite writer is a professor. near the end, there is (of course) one of those scenes where he meets his idol and his idol turns out to be really super cool....
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hm. i detest where i grew up. it was small, insular, and paranoid. i have to admit, though, that if i'd grown up somewhere else my perspectives (and therefore writing) would be very different.

i have a friend in helsinki who has been trying to get me to visit northern europe for a while. seeing sweden might actually happen... smile
jack black is quickly turning into the modern day CHRIS FARLEY.

mmmmm. its sinking in. the way you sink into a hot hot bath, and it hurts, and your skin turns pink, and you feel like you're peeling off a layer or two. but then you are in it, and floating, and oh so happy...

i am moving to stockholm.

so much to do before. so many people to contact and say goodbye to. so much...
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woo hoo! have fun in sweden! someday i'd like to visit.

email me at chris(at)saturn5.com. snakecharmer is having issues at the moment.
the party was a local SG get-together.
Stockholm? Hope you have a blast. I've never been, but it's on the list...

is this a sudden decision, or a slow coming-to realization of something you must do?
argh. my wisdom teeth are giving me a horrible headache and making it very difficult for me to chew properly. i think i'm going to take some drugs and take a nap.


i just talked to my best friend, the one who lives in stockholm, for an hour or so. i tentatively brought up the subject of maybe moving there to live with him...
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you have probably heard this before, but you should get them removed. My roomie waited forever, then his headaches started to be unbareable. When he went in they said he was lucky he got them removed then because as it was when they removed them there was a 60% chance that he would be paralyzed in his left side of his face from6 months to FOREVER.. and if he had waited longer the chance would have been higher... so go get it taken care of.. smile
Ooh, God, cheesecake. Mmmm.

Ahem. Anyway. Stockholm. Fabulous. Not that I can remember it or anything. Send me a postcard.
and where are you? where are you, to anchor me to the shore?
i'm drifting deep in the ocean, cut loose.
iam out drowning sinking to the bottom, being pulled under by the rushing surf of my monotonous stressful everyday life... which is scarey because iam a trained lifeguard
that party was insane. i had to pour out beer, and kicked out about 6 people for bringing beer in. there was a wet t-shirt contest. there was a guy with a plastic "love-ewe" complete with, uh, workable parts. i slammed a guy about twice my size into a wall. and some guys were swinging an axe around and breaking stuff. it feels like a...
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You'er going to sit back and "hope" that a boy is only interested in a friendship? Brave girl you are. All I have to say about that is that boys are dumb dumb dumb and I feel I can safely say this only because I'm one of them.

Biking, yes I hurtle myself at great speeds down twisty beautiful singletrack on my mountain bike whenever I have a chance, and I got to do a lot of hurtling on Monday and Tuesday. YAY!!

HOney, yup, plain old bee by-product. A while ago my old lab did a honey harvest and itold everyone on my friends list that if they wanted some, all they had to do was e-mail me their address and I'd mail them some. You made it on to my friends list after that, but if you want some, I MAY be able to make an exception. wink

Just e-mail me your address, and I'll mail you some as soon as I get it. . . since I couldn't get it during this last trip. D'oh! And I'm not a crazy stalker guy or anything and will only use your address for good and not for evil, but if you're not comfortable with sending it, I completely understand.
thats a wild party, i havent been to one like that in years... but i guess i wont get to for awhile, i quit drinking... its amazing. I havent had anything to drink in over a month which is a LONG time.................... I WANT A BEER
hmm. just read about the one year anniversary. i was thinking about being in portland that weekend anyway, for various reasons. in order to make the party, i'd just have to leave one day earlier than i was planning... the gears in my head are working. i must go! i'm so excited i'm squirming like a puppy.

and hey, if ya live in sea-town and...
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Yes. Super shy. It's kind of that getting comfortable step that can take a while. Or just never happen at all.

Anyway, eager, easily-lead gay boys are my specialty, so all referrals are accepted.
ack! howard zinn is on cspan2. go! now! quick! ahh!
i should be nursing a hangover right now, but somehow i'm not. i purposely got pretty trashed last night. i didn't have to work today, so i went out to meet some friends during happy hour as i sometimes do on wednesday, and when they left to go to chop suey, i went with. i think i only had one vodka collins and one long...
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It's enough to limit social activity, ESPECIALLY when everyone you know is, um, overage.

Example: "i went out to meet some friends during happy hour as i sometimes do on wednesdays, and when they left to go to chop suey, i went with." What else is there? Overpriced shows that end at 10:30? There are practically ordinances against being under 21 here.

OK, I'm gonna go crochet and look dour now.
Are you kidding? I AM a naive, self-conscious gay boy prone to fits of giddiness.

But I'm also super shy, so I'd better take a few months to get over the last 20-30 new people I had to deal with first.
in only 5 days, i have gone from hitting myself in the head too often to teaching myself new moves so i don't get bored. i simply cannot wait until i can spin real fire!!

anyway, my usual drama-filled weekend started with me hanging out with nate. that was just a tad wierd, since i haven't really talked to him since shortly after i broke...
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People who get bossed around by their partners that way are goofy. If she's that insecure about their relationship, she needs to get a life.

Science talk, eh?

Polymorphous peptide ANOVA Varroa jacobsoni phoretic glucosamine bonding.

Eschericia coli, Bacillus thuringiensis code sequencing recombinant haploid peri-intestinal symbiosis.

Would you be terribly offended if I performed a power test on you in order to determine the correct number of replications I would need to do in order to achieve significance? wink
mmm.. fire