Wow, what a series of days, nights, hours and other various increments of time...birthdays were comemorated, small Kooteny cities were vacationed in, friends were dashed with paintballs, large quantities of alcohol were imbibed...all `n all things really came together. The time however was not solely dedicated to self debasement (more`s the pity I know), but I did take time for some deep introspection about how the newly adapted Will (yes I have a real name) can best intergrate himself into a world of dizzing and terrifying potential.
I seem to have a strong penchant for being alone, although I was very social and actually managed to find a load of high school-era friends, I have no issues being strictly by`s oddly comforting. What exacly that says about me I have no idea, but that`s fine.
I`m sure that there is more to write about, but I need time for everything to I`ll end by saying ``hi`` to all my SG-friends.
I seem to have a strong penchant for being alone, although I was very social and actually managed to find a load of high school-era friends, I have no issues being strictly by`s oddly comforting. What exacly that says about me I have no idea, but that`s fine.
I`m sure that there is more to write about, but I need time for everything to I`ll end by saying ``hi`` to all my SG-friends.
misseded you
Well, how are you?