Wonderful evening last night!! Holly, came over and hung out for the first long time hanging out session at my place =)

We went to go to this Witch shop so i could pick up some more Nag Champa and it was closed so i asked her if i could buy her some ice cream since it was way hot here, she agreed (word).

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Here the daddy again.

Like Jodeci said back in the day in "Feenin'" a girl can be like a drug and you need another hit. You feel like you'll give up anything just a long as you can see them again to get that fix. You'll leave work and shrug responsibilities. You're high on Phenylethylamine, the natural chemical in the body that comes out when you're in love. It's similar to amphetamine. I think it's coursin' through your veins at light speed my friend. I'm happy for you. What you described in your journal sounds like a friggen' fantasy to me. I love the same shit. Just being close. Touching for hours; till it almost hurts. Looking in past the eyes. Candles. The smells. It has to be the best thing there is, NO SHIT.

Appreciatin' your input. The talk I had with my wife this morning was good. The bad habits of which she speaks are still very scary; two seem like the potential killers, but we've identified them. Whether we really want to or have it in us to do anything about them is a huge question. We don't have the best track records so Vegas sports betters wouldn't give us favorable odds.

Sorry I haven't got back to you in chat or on the phone, etc... I work a FUCKED UP SCHEDULE. Every F, Sa, Su, and every other Mo night from 6pm to 6am. I'm off now until This coming Friday. Just woke up actually.

Try to hit up whicha this week.

[Edited on Jul 13, 2004 2:34PM]
Welcome to SG Colorado! smile

Sounds like you found quite a girl... congrats!

[Edited on Jul 13, 2004 3:38PM]
Well, another day has gone by.

Hung out with Holly at her job yesterday till she got off, then she came to my place and we cuddled on my bed for the first time~ Fucking sick i tell u, just rad.

She soon left and i went to work at 10 that night, did nothing but talk to my Boss, whos also a friend, about...
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Hey. No, you didn't offend me at all. I totally agree with you. My kids come first - and there is the struggle. Because, ever since I have been married, I have devoted myself to my husband, and then my kids. And now my husband resents me for it. He doesn't respect me for having no job, and not a lot of friends, and a life outside of the house. So now what? And I have lost myself in this wife/mother thing. I want to find myself again, but not at the expense of my kids. My hubby is doing the "I'm not happy, is this all there is" stuff. And when I see that I could lose the family that I want to keep together more than anything, I see how little I have for myself. What would I do if my husband up and left? How would I take care of my kids? Should I be an empty shell if I don't have him? Keeping my family intact is the most important thing to me. I grew up without any intact family AT ALL and it was horrible. I don't want that for my kids. Do you see where I'm coming from a little?.......
Yeah we both come from severely broken homes full of whores, step fathers/mothers, eating disorders, suicides, mental health issues, alcholism, drugs, etc., etc. Not making excuses but sometimes I feel lucky that we have made it this far and haven't od'd or died or some shit.

It would take some chatting or something to fill you in; we go so far back. There's a picture of my wife at my 1 year b-day party for Christ's sake.

I take no offense to what you're saying. Some fucker in the navy nick named me vanilla ice. I got nothing but "ice ice baby" for years. SUCK! So fuck that guy. Peace & chicken grease foo!
So yah, last night went out with my goddess Holly~ We both got shytfaced at this bar/poolhall in downtown Denver. The cab ride home was absolutely amazing =P It was almost Taxi Cab Confessions and stuff, yup. Um, Yah. If this ognorant blissful stuff isnt supposed to be put in the journal someone should say something to me so i dont continuously make myself look...
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That ride sounds hot. 23 and an ex with a kid already? Damn, I feel for you. If I'm not careful I could end up with an ex myself. 3 kids. We've been going through major shit the last year.

You don't sound or look like an ass in your posts. I like all the sappy love shit too.

Take care!
wanna be friends with another parent? Divorce sucks soooooo much. sorry you had to go through it. mine is just starting to take steps. i am done with domestic violence. :/ anyway, welcome.