Eyes itchy and red. Throat so very sore. Hot hot heat is not just a band name anymore. Nose leaking like faucet. Vomiting is not fun.

I do not enjoy being sick. Especially when I still have to go to work. Someone take care of me and bring me chicken soup.

being sick at work fucking blows. being sick while having a labor job, ah sometime ask me about the depths of hell as of yet untouched by dante and his type.

you left a comment in my journal the other day asking where i had gone for a poetry reading.
(explanation=i doubt you will know what i'm talking about otherwise)

i went to the bloomfield ave. cafe on (you guessed it) bloomfield ave. in montclair. it was sponsored by (i think) this group called spiral bridge something-or-other and i believe it was called "the naked readings", which is a once monthly event.

blah blah blah.

i just finished reading a great graphic novel tonight. it's the first book the has made me shed a tear in quite a very long time. i highly recommend it. [not crying, the book] it's called "jimmy corrigan, the smartest boy on earth.

aww, feel better. I'll bring you chicken soup if you need it.
Would You Like Me?

- although most people describe me as outgoing, i'm extremely shy in groups of people I don't know.

- my musical passion lies in industrial but i'm also a fan of ebm, punk, goth, hardcore, metal, grindcore and "alternative" rock

- my humor is sarcastic and dark

- i am an artsy nerd who enjoys galleries and museums

- i hate...
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Even though we don't have a lot in common, your ramblng list is a sign of real genius.
So does I...but then I'm shy in public...Just wanted to say goodnight...and C you here more when this ten day schedule is over with...

Thanks for the compliment...they are my favorite things in the world...I will let you know how it is...did you check the trailer out???

[Edited on May 01, 2003]
i swear i think i'm going crazy. not just "i'm bored and restless" crazy (although that is a part of it all), but crazy as in "i think i need medication" crazy. maybe crazy isn't exactly the best word when speaking of depression... but thats what it feels like

my mind seems so unstable. i'm too emotional, more than i normally am, which is already...
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i can understand how you're feeling. do what you can to get better. meds aren't always the best thing, but almost anything beats feeling like this. i hope things will get better for you soon. smile

yeah, that was my auction. smile i asked the winner WHY he bid so high, and he told me because he couldn't find Labatt clothes anywhere. hmmmm. i really needed the $ though, so I am happy.
Doesn't it seem like it's crazy month or something.
ahh! I've been feeling so flipped out!

I think I'm gonna take a vacation in a month or so at least the weekend away. Just think, take pictures, RELAX!!

Just the thought sounds sooo good..mmm...vacation..
spent most of yesterday in my room for the simple reason of not wanting to get dressed, i blame the wet weather.

an old best friend/ex of mine has been getting in touch with me again. calls more often that i can keep up with. his manic state is quite unsettling. seems unstable, too many drugs. complete flip-flop in our relationship. once upon a time...
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guys are so strange sometimes. you should definitely have a vacation. where should you go?
what do you do when an ex keeps popping back into your life? we broke up so long ago, but he always seeks me out. i've changed my phone number, email, address... yet he still always seems to somehow find me. it's not anything scary... he's not threatening me. just more like annoying me. no matter how mean i am or how hard i try,...
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i've had a bunch of stalkers. they suck. I moved cross country to get away from one.

we still have mutual friends, so occasionally I still hear from him...I have caller id though, a brillant invention.

[Edited on Apr 25, 2003]
have you been blunt with him? maybe that's what he needs. sometimes people don't get hints.

ooh, i checked that friendster thing out. what is your email address again. or nevermind, i can go back and find that old journal entry...
Yesterday was an awesome day. Went to the park... a couple of them actually, and had so much fun playing on the slides. In spite of all the bruises and ripped clothing I accumlated during this adventure, I wouldn't change anything about it. There's something refreshingly innocent about playing in the park with the guy you love. It's really freeing to just pretend you are...
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I try to act like a 4 year old as often as possible
i honestly don't have anything of interest to say, but am writing anyway just because i feel like i should try and keep this thing updated on a somewhat regular basis.

i was supposed to go into work today, but considering i have to work six days in a row next week, i decided that i deserved a day of rest and called in sick...
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my living situation has been improving ever so slightly. there's been considerably less hostility between me and the ex since a conversation we had the other night. who knows how long this will last, but at least the past few days have been peaceful and the anxiety attacks have subsided. still though, the day i move out i'm sure will be the biggest relief i've...
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the 4th paragraph is why I moved very suddenly cross country to a town where I only knew 1 person.
5'8, 115 lbs. i seeeethe with jealousy. i've got thursday's boobs and jolene's butt. haha.
i banged my head twice today while having sex. when i say banged it, i mean seriously banged it hard. i thought i was gonna knock myself unconscious. it still hurts.


To answer your questions:

Yes on GothicAuctions.
Yes on UnEarthed (it's owned and operated by my fiance and I)
and HI! How ya doin'?!
to me that sounds like great sex!! smile
it's april and it's snowing outside. i think it's pretty safe to say that i'll be hiding inside for the rest of the day.

i was all nice and snug in my bed totally in la-la land, and the next thing i know the door to my room flys open and two guys in huge coats and boots walk in. i nearly had a heart...
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I think it's just the combination of somebody else deems you worthy as a mate and a challenge factor of "They are taken and I cannot have them...or can I?"

I understand the sex thing too... Sarah and myself are in a long distance relationship currently, so when we are together its like bunnies in the spring time. wink As long as you have other aspects of the relationship, which it sounds like you do, you'll be fine.
that is so true.... everyone seems to want you when you're hooked up. maybe that's why cheating happens so often. oh well. i'm single now and not looking. at least for now.

that would freak me out... the guys who were in your apartment. eeeek! but i've never been the same since some guy broke into one of my old apts while we were home and pulled a gun on us. eeek anyway, maybe you can at least put a chain lock or any type of inside lock on your door for more privacy/security. i know i am extremely paranoid, so i have a couple on my door.
i moved around a lot while growing up, so i don't have any friends that i can say i've known since my childhood. however, there was a girl that i used to be really close to as a teenager. i think we sort of drifted apart when we headed our seperate ways to college, and altogether stopped talking about 2 years ago. i recently got...
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i totally hear you about lack of female friends/bridal party. wanna be a bridesmaid for me next june? lol.

i'd be flattered. when i first got onto the women's wrestling website i'm currently on, i was asked by wrestlingvixxxens.com to pose nekkid for them. it was all i talked about for days, lol. are you going to do it?
Thank you! Glad you like the poem. I am originally from NJ not to far from where you are. My family still lives in NJ. I was just there this weekend.
I have a great boyfriend. So why do I care so much that my ex is interested in someone new. It's not like I want him back... I think it's just more of a blow to the ego that for the three years we were together, he spent all his time buried in his work. Always too busy for me. Now he not only rearranges...
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maybe he realizes now the mistakes he made with you, and is trying to change? you do sound like you need some relaxation time. i get stressed very easily, so i know how it feels. frown take a break, do something you enjoy, something to get your mind off things.

i broke up with my ex less than a month ago- after over 3 years being together. we lived together for over 2 years, we were close- so it's hard to let go. it's just that we need to start having separate lives, and not depend on each other so much.

people mistake me for being under 18 almost constantly- so that doesn't help my problem of not being taken seriously. bleh. in our 20's, we're supposed to adults now... i suppose at any age, there will always be someone older and "wiser" who will look down on you for some reason or another.
i was just talking about this with someone the other day actually. i think that you never really get completely over your exes. like there's always this connection that you have with them. you feel like part of them is always yours. and when they start seeing someone new, even if you are madly in love with someone else, there's always a little bit of a twinge of jealousy. and you always think to yourself, well i had them first. that person was yours once and it's hard to see them with someone else.