Yeah.... winamp is kewl till I'm asleep for two hours and RAMSTEIN plays....my cat won't come anywhere NEAR me now...I think I need to spend more time on the ole playlists...
That's pretty funny!

I keep meaning to organize my music and stuff, too...but then I forget until I am listening to the same songs on my mp3 player at work...again and again... whatever
Damn! The audacity and sheer lack of HONOR to be found in some people never ceases to AMAZE me..... My best friend (of some 20 years or so) is selling his house, and the individuals to whom he is selling keep coming up with more and MORE BULLSHIT for him to DO! He is already giving the buyer a very GOOD deal but these ASSHOLES...
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DAMMIT! What IS it with me? I quit dating FIVE YEARS AGO because I escaped being engaged to a CRAZY person! There were times when she could have killed me... I took exception to those times and chose to survive. She took an additional six MONTHS to quit calling and emailing my friends. She finally found a new target and left me in peace. I...
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Ahh well then, i did something nice today... who knew?
short answer.... I DID! Have a lovely life doll!
Hi! I came by to say 'Thank you' for the love on my set and for your comment! That was very sweet of you, and if you'd like to keep on giving it your 'love' that'd be badass.
reading your blog that shit sounds crazy! I am so sorry you had to put up with that psycho bitch! You deserve someone who treats you with respect! take care, darling!
I swear to G-D.... redheads WILL be the DEATH OF ME! But , ya know, I can live/die with THAT! wink Now it just remains to decide where I will be interred....
Some days... life is just TOOO weird for words.... today was kinda like that when I woke up with a cat on my face...
DAMN! I need to put a breathalizer on my computer! I went out the other night with some friends and as I didn't have to drive , I spent more, I DRANK more , I tipped more, I probably OFFENDED MORE people than I have EVER done in recent history.... I am not typically a person who seeks to offend... but I kinda outDID myself...
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I woke up this morning to a phone call which brought me out of a zombie dream./nightmare.. all hell was breaking loose and zombies were falling left and right...and I was awakened to answer what happened to a gas can. a GAS CAN! I went back to sleep and destroyed the remainder of the zombies... I had thrown out a gas can two days before....
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Good eats, good booze, ocean breeze, cool sand in between the toes...Heaven on Earth!
Headin out to the Redneck Riviera (Panama City Beach) early in the am! DAMN, Its gonna be a fun trip! WhooHoo!!!!wink