I just got back from a weekend in Chicago and loved every minute of it. I need to get my ass moving and transfer out there so that I can be poor in a big city like that.

Lollapalooza is less than a month away and I'm getting more and more excited as time goes on. Always a fun time, always fun people to hang...
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John McCain's new car purchase is news worthy? Must be a slow news day. That or I just don't think this is worth the paper it's printed on. He must be going through a end-life crisis or something too because he's going from a Cadillac to a 2010 Ford Fusion Hybrid. He's a republican too. Hybrid and Republican don't really mix well.
So my Chicago weekend is slowly turning into an epic failure. My friend who lives out there is actually coming back up to MI the same weekend me and my friend are going down. So now we're contemplating not going. Which SUCKS. We're both kinda broke though so trying to find things to do sans friend is a tad difficult with tight fundage. Now we're...
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too bad you're not heading down this week, because i'm going to be there! wink

i don't think i've given up totally, i'm just completely baffled at my bad luck.
I'm going to kill my coworker by the end of this week if she does or asks another dumb thing. Paid vacation week #2 cannot come any sooner. This time I'm actually DOING something with my weeks. I'm going to Chicago for a weekend trip! It's going to be SOOOOOO MUCH FUN BECAUSE I LOVE CHICAGO!!!

In other news I finally finished the first season...
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you're going to be in chicago but not milwaukee? dang!
I have a new addiction, and that addiction is the TV show Heroes.
Yeah. I signed up for Netflix last month and so I thought I'd give all these shows I don't have time to watch a try. It's friggin awesome.
Not lonely...just alone
First day back to work after a weeks paid vacation. Brutal. Great week off though. Went and saw Alkaline Trio and Saves the Day which was a pretty good show for the shitty venue. Oh well though. I got paid to go see them in the long run.
I think reality shows are pretty trashy to begin with. All are nothing more than a train wreck at this point. Even the ones that try and change people's lives in some way are bad.

My mom's been taking the tv over tonight and she was watching The Biggest Loser. She's a sucker for these shows. They eliminate people who haven't lost enough weight. Something...
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thank you!

i also don't like reality tv. i end up feeling sick after watching them. unless its queer eye for the straight guy then i can deal.
It's 09 now. Hmmmm, I don't know when I stopped caring about years ending/beginning, but I just really don't see it as being a big deal. Nothing changes. The weather stays the same, people are still assholes, and MI is still MI (meaning that it's always ready for a high five).

New Years resolution? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, those are bullshit. Just another example of people needing a...
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I figured I'd go ahead and do this. I thought about it long enough and finally was able to come up with 10 CD's I really enjoyed this year.

1. MGMT - Oracular Spectacular
Catchy, melodic, and just plain good. I can't help but put this #1. I can't name one bad song on this CD. My Favorites: Time To Pretend, Weekend Wars, Kids.

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