So after 2 months of constant favorites, I had to change my favorites to include Morgan after looking at today's set. Sorry about that, Ms. you-who-have-been-usurped.
"Hello? Is this... GBM? Uh, yeah. I read in the
personals that you were seeking a soulmate. Well, I also like rainy days and movies.
Uh, no, I don't like that...
Or that...
No, it's not that I'm afraid.

I'm going to hang up now, bye-bye."
This sucks, I've got these weird insect bites on my feet, and they itch like crazy. And these aren't just little red bumps, like an ant bite, no, these are massive inch-and-a-half in diameter bug bites. And they're driving me crazy, exspecially when I'm wearing shoes.
so does this mean we are fated...?
It was the waspman.
Mhm.. Here we go. I've never done any sort of personal ad type thing before, but I'll go ahead and give it a try. I keep editing this, and I'll keep on editing it. I'm drunk enough right now for this to seem like a good idea. We'll see what it looks like tomorrow.

I am: Somewhat geeky 24-year old ex-boyscout with a tattoo, a...
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We fit.

But you live in Texas.

It's sad the way that works.
What's up with the surge in wrap related food products?

It just seems like every fast food joint is sticking the stuff they used to stick in a sandwich into some pita bread and selling it as some revolutionatry new product. It seems odd to me.
People are stupid and like to think they are eating something "exotic" when in fact they are eating the same old crap in a different container. You can put a fresh paint job on a pinto, but it's still a pinto.

And if you think this wrap thing is odd, remember the gyro craze? People would think they were so cool when they would correct someone who pronounced it wrong....but we all know they said it wrong once themselves. Sorry if I'm so negative, doing homework puts me in a bad mood.

Oh, and I like the Police Academy picture very much, still remember seeing #6 "City under Siege" in the theater.
Sometimes, I believe I'm just thinking at 90-degree angles from everyone else.

I start off with the same info as the people around me, and I just seem to come up with a completely different random conclusion to everyone else around me. Not that this always a bad thing. But it's not always a good thing either.
I'm thinking about growing a mullet.


'Cause don't you know you you're not supposed to have a mullett?

I think I'd dye it green.
That would be the hottest think ever.

Would you let me braid it one day?
Maybe I don't want to meet someone who shares my interests. I hate my interests.
rebelling against your interests? on a little self destruction kick are ya? don't worry you'll snap out of it. and maybe you should find someone to take interest in and share some new ones...could work don't ya think?
Just remember hate, love, and indifference are all at oposite corners of a triangle. You obviously aren't indifferent to your interests, cause then they wouldn't be interesting.
So the gas got cut off today. It's my own fault for not paying the bill, but you would think my roommate might have mentioned the notice they left on the door Thursday saying that if we din't pay in the next 24 hours they were shutting off service. You would think that would qualify as VERY important information. Instead, he just stuck it under...
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damn dude, that sucks ass. nothing worse than not getting bills paid.
I'm just sitting here watching the Dante's live cam, drinking a beer, and enjoying watching Veronica prance around at a dazzling 2 frames per minute, and hanging out in an empty SGchat. I so wish I could be there for the party. Oh well. Next year.

I, too, will be there with bells on.
Yeah, you guessed that orion would get booted.....

you also guessed that fragpants would get our asses handed to us by lagmonkey. and we see how far that prediction got you. wink

Dude, orion is cool and all, but he's a fuckin whiner. like yesterday. i'm sure you read in the article how i was cleaning house during warmup. well orion gets in and he sees that i'm winning rounds by like 30-9 and without any evidence other than that starts saying "OH I CALL CHEATING!!!!!" and "AIMBOT AIMBOT!!".

meanwhile he didnt take into account that my kills were probably so high becuase i was

A. only really playing against like 2 people

B. killing all the specs that were just standing around. easy targets.

that kinda shit just annoys me. so we all decided to boot him because of his whineyness.
Damn. If it weren't for the fact that I would lose my job, I'd take $500, leave tomorrow morning, and got to the SG 1 year party. Being a responsible adult sucks. That and the fact that I don't have $500.

This sucks. kickass party going on tomorrow night and I'll be stuck at work.

Hopefully, I can make it to the 2 year party.
I had my doubts that I would be a Suicide Girl just because of the picture I chose to send to Missy... it wasn't my best. All that aside, I'm happy that Missy thought me worthy to be a Suicide Girl.

Thanks for the complements by the way. You're quite the sweetheart.
hmm. Was going to try doing some HTML in here, but it doesn't seem to work, so never mind. I'll try to put something interesting here later.

I've tried. I've got nothing. But It's odd that I've gotten the most responses when I actually said nothing. By this logic, If I just put a blank journal entry, I should get an infinite number of...
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drunk again

i olove you
Chalk two samples of "toreena love!" up for thrak. DAYUM!

anyway, your precious team is getting their asses whooped. and zombie got kicked last night. so who you think it's gonna come down to? i'm gonna say either me or lexrst. he was giving me a run for my money last night.