So my membership ends in three hours. To be fair, I got it for free at the Blackheart Burlesque event a year ago in Chicago. Unfortunately, financial reasons have restricted me from continuing on and renewing. Fucking COVID. And that truly sucks. This shitty year has prevented another such tour from stopping here, and I will miss that, as my friends and I have begun...
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What are you doing to feel normal? If there is anything positive about these crazy times, it is art.

In the past four weeks, I have read three books, I am engaging in a virtual paint night, hanging prints in the house, watching films and shows I put off, and going to get a friend of mine to do a virtual museum tour with me....
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The cruelty of this virus is profound.

Today, news comes that it has claimed artist, Juan Giménez.

Best known for his contributions to the magazine, Heavy Metal, and the epic series, Metabarons, Giménez has been wowing audiences since the early 80s. For anyone who considers themselves a SciFi fan, and has not read Metabarons, I strongly recommend it, and would advise that you prepare to...
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I didn’t watch the State of the Union, but apparently...yes!!!
So, I was listening to a show, Fresh Air on NPR, and they had had a Science writer on discussing the possible origins of the Coronavirus (support your local NPR station, as they can scare the bejesus out of you at work).  He was explaining that the virus might have originated with animals being in close contact in a ‘wet market’, or market where animal have yet to be slaughtered, are stacked in cages and may be defecating on each other due the close quarters (hey, who am I to judge; everyone has a kink).  At one point, it came up that a bat, or bats, were the most likely the source, as China is filthy with them apparently, and I thought, ‘Boy, the Batcave is like the worse place to have a crime lab...or raise Boys Wonders’.  Actually there was a line from the Grant Morrison run on Batman that was something like...’Remember when it was just you and me and a bunch of computers covered in guano?’ Anyways, he mentioned that there always a chance that one of these viruses might be the one get through and take out millions, if not billions. If not SARS, maybe this one or the next.Simply terrifying, and, again, support your local NPR station!Oh well. On the comic book side of things.The Book of the Night goes to Becky Cloonan’s Dark Agnes from Marvel! It’s a whimsical romp through 1700s France, full swashbuckling, witty banter, foreboding dark secrets and some more swashbuckling!Swashbuckling for everyone!!!