maybe i am just an old fart. maybe i am a square. i have never done any drugs. i drink... a fair amount actually. not enough to have a "problem," but enough. i have never smoked cigarettes. i actually feel gross just typing the word.

that being said, i really don't find the marginal amount of pot smoking themed sets on here. i don't find...
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:/ nooo!
I'm with you on everything except the cancelling.  Hope you change your mind.  I've no problems with pot, and think they should legalize it, but I haven't tried it.  Also not a fan of smoking, although I do like the smell of a pipe.  Reminds me of one of my favorite uncles.

got to wake up at 530am this morning to be on the tv. yay.

good times

still time to donate. i have been challenged by another walker. loser shaves his beard...



my painting lately has been sporadic at best. i think it is mainly my choice in subject matter. i got into a niche of doing portraits for a little while. more of a rut actually. and the last time i did a "show" i rushed through it. it was something of an accomplishment, but i did five portraits in two weeks. and i continued to...
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i always appreciate new followers. but just to be straight and honest, if you are 20 years old, in a country that it might take me a minute to find on the map, and have only been a hopeful AND a member for a couple of months, i am PROBABLY not going to follow you back. mostly because i know you are just going to...
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Dang it. ;)

my eyes that is. i am not the best of sleepers to begin with. so, i usually pop a couple of melatonin before i hit the sack. i needed it last night, especially with my grandfather's health issues. i dozed hard right away.

then about 130am a thunderstorm rolled through charlotte. i was wakened by thunder that shook the house. laying there naked in bed,...
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@libris the merlot helped... ;)
As merlot does. :)

super bowl sunday back in 2011 was the worst day of my life. two days before, i had ended a relationship with a woman that i loved dearly that just liked me. i was unemployed. but my steelers were playing and i was having a couple of friends over for a party. plus i had a job interview a few days before. so i was...
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I am so very sorry to hear of this. What a devastating accident...your poor grandpa, that is so awful. How is he doing now? 
@savor i wish i could say things have gotten better.  he has healed up fine, physically.  but the emotioal toll has caused a huge slide in his mental stability.  dimentia, hallucinations, crying fits, rage.  it has all made care very difficult for my dad and aunt.  and the rollercoaster has been insane.  one week my dad tells me i should come home to see him, because we don't know how much longer he has, another week he is telling me that nobody should see him like this, and yet another, i have been told to be prepared for a funeral.  in a quandry to say the least.

so, about a month or so ago, i posted some pictures of the sketch of a partial sleeve that my artist was going to do for me. i didn't run right home and wash it off. i left it there a day or so. the more i looked at it, the more i realized that it was going to be an amazingly awesome tattoo of...
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