Oh how I love taking friends how have recently just got out of a relationship to the bar....Breaking up fights having their drunk asses pour drinks all over my pants, and stoping them from getting indecent exposure tickets are just some of the joys I had to endure. I tried my best to try and make sure that they get over the pain that they...
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Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal = The best thing to write an essay on, pure cake! biggrin
......I like cake.
Well this weekend has officially made me feel old. I played three hockey games in a row on saturday and one on sunday and I feel like I got hit by a semi. My legs feel like they have been broken. God I'm out of shape.
Soooooo many tattoo ideas brewing, stay posted for sketches and updates p.s It involves zombies!
ooh sounds awesome, can't wait!
Well today I asked a good girl friend to be my escort to my formal, for the residence here on campus.... Being the wimp I am around girls I just did it on a note, like you would do when your in Junior high and slipped it under her door.. Hope it goes well!! I can't take this stress!! ARRR!!!
O how I missed Nesquick cereal, Smartest grocery purchase I made today. I also have a new tattoo idea brewing so I will be busy drawing over the next couple days... It will involve a logo that taproot used on their "Our long road home" cd, and some sparrows or birds in general. We will see how see goes. Also some lyrics are in construction,...
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Aww well you ARE 19! You should be doing all those things! Just not to the extent I did! Haha
Glad your having fun now! Getting out of a long ass relationship can be quite liberating smile
Nesquick cereal = YUM
Well I have Just got my first speeding ticket. It was along time coming, and it wasn't as bad only 89 bucks so I'm happy about that. Not much else in my my life right now so peaceeeeeeee.
Ugh... my first speeding ticket was paired with a 'no proof of insurance' ticket... it ran me about $300 when everything was said and done. fun times.
Man has it been awhile since I last posted... Well like four days, but still it seems like awhile So here is a quick update! I may be going to jasper for the weekend to board, but I have to consult with my doctor first as I may have torn muscle in my leg after landing a jump earlier in the week. Dam you quater...
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I have officially racked up my back... Nothing beats having your skid-doo filp over on you and crush you. My back is killer... I will not be getting out of bed unless needed. thank god for my lap top!
Well I guess this reading week was going to smoothly, things are just not going so good right about now. I have re-injured a muscle I tore in my shoulder playing hockey, I broke the window on my ski-doo whish is costing 300$ to get a new one, I missed out on heading to the mountains to snowboard, and my dam car won't start... Things...
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