Member Since 2012

a slightly older set, but the perfectly beautiful peppers_ looks stunning in her debut set in MR


@peppers_ is perfectly beautiful in every way. I don't see why she was nervous about her debut set, she looks incredible! Fingers crossed this awesome debut has helped to boost her confidence, she deserves a ton of love. Based on her debut I think it's safe to say we can expect big things from the lovely peppers_. :)

thank you very much for your words really mean a lot to me. and whether, in fact I think my next set is great and everyone will love. out on 21 November, should be aware. kisses! @themainman 
That's great news on your forthcoming set @peppers_, I look forward to seeing it. Based on your debut, I know it will be nothing short of spectacular! :) As for the support, no problem and I'll continue to support you in any way I can. :)peppers_, I look forward to seeing it. Based on your debut, I know it will be nothing short of spectacular! :) As for the support, no problem and I'll continue to support you in any way I can. :)


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