tattoo appointment may 5th with seth wood. holy fuck! so excited.

i'm doing my neck.

Owie shocked
My dog is doing happy rolls on the carpet...

I think he feels better.

I think I need to go rent some movies.

Miss that dog.
If I don't get tickets for the Dec 15th show in chicago...

I'm fucking jumping in traffic...

Fuck every keyboard hardcore kid that is going to resell their tickets on ebay...the first fucking set on ebay i see, I'm hunting those fuckers down and stabbing them in the fucking eyes.

This is no joke...I'd fucking stab someone for these tickets.

Tonight at 6 central they...
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hey this has nothing to do with your blog, more a response to what you said in mine. So Law and Order! I know, I am exactly like that. I will never understand people who have tv shows in there schedule, I don't really go out of my way o watch anything. But isn't it amazing how you jus get sucked in! Its always on too, they trap us!. Anyways, talk to ya soon.
curious what show it was you were gonna kill over?
As of 9.12 I'll be a New York resident...

I'm fucking home sick and I haven't even left yet.

New York here I come...

(make me feel better about shit and sign up on my sites message board)

Man-Made Monster
thank you! how have you been? liking new york?
Hope you are enjoying NY.
Holy shit.

Things have been incredibly busy. Work has started to finally pick up and we're flooded with crazy euro's who are very demanding...(I never knew buying a pair of jeans could be so intense for someone).

I just came back home from Nashville, where we had business meetings for my friends art career. It went well, we're keeping most of it under wraps for...
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I'm sitting here, watching television. Watching what true spirit looks like. Watching someone struggle against all odds, someone overcome every single possible thing that could go go against him in his life.

All I can think of is how so many people take each and every day of their life for granted. So many people who take little obstacles and let them completly ruin...
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"maybe you don't like your job, maybe you didn't get enough sleep - well nobody likes their job, nobody got enough sleep, maybe you just had the worst day of your life, you know there's no escape and there's no excuse so just suck up, just suck up and be nice."
- Ani Difranco

For some reason, your rant made me think of that. I don't understand people who let the molehills become the mountains that destroy their lives piece by piece. But I don't understand a lot of things, even when I understand. Does that make sense.

Good blog.

Edit: And I'm assuming she means "suck it up" as opposed to suck up to ppl...we all draw our own conclusions........I choose the happier one?
July Bro-down consisted of:

Fright Night ( I actually watched this one on my own)

Erik making Quesadillas.
Phantom of the Paradise (horror/sci fi musical)
A visit to 7-11 for Squishies...
Night of the Demons
Exorcist III
Frozen PIzzas

= Bunch of lazy mother fuckers not doing anything but sitting on their asses.

well get off your ass and get out to chicago for sweet bro-hangs and and maybe you can have one. duhz.
Hello, new friend! Your dog is amazing looking...I <3 bulldogs for some reason. Aaaannnnd...I'm not awake enough to think of anything more intelligent than that at the moment frown It's a sad truth.
Simply put...I was totally fucked again at work. To try to make up for it they tacked on an extra 7% to my raise. Money is nice, but if I have to stay at the same store much longer I might fucking kill someone. I'm bored, unchallenged, stagant and pissed off.

Now I'm not sure if I want to tattoo my neck, not until I'm...
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How do you know him? He's a solid dude.

Why hadn't I heard of this before? That's amazing. I'll probably be back in the next couple months and will definitely check it out.
You know I figured it was that. I love how everyone is connected in the scene up there no matter how big the city is.

And thank you, I'm a sucker for sweets in general but especially cupcakes. I put both of those places in my address book so I won't forget.
The Pop13 Forums are up and running. It's an awesome places for people interested in Art and Music...You should sign up and contribute.

The link didn't work. frown

Good to know I'm not the only nostalgic person! smile