Ever have a talk with someone that just makes everything perfect? I just did. With her. blush
Love those.

I love those random people that you sometimes have in your life that just calm you. Everything can be going wrong and you can just be frantic inside...but as soon as you're in their company and you hear their voice...you can just breath again. You settle....you talk it out and it always ends up seeming like a non issue at the end.

Keep her.
It's going to be that kind of day, I think.

The kind of day where things don't go the way you want them to... the kind of day that leaves you feeling unsatisfied, unsettled and hungry for another chance to make the day into something better. The kind of day that has you waving your arms at the sky, screaming, "do over! do over!" to...
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Almost forgot! Happy Canada day smile
i know nothing of canada day but happy canada day to u 2
Refreshed and resolved.

I just watched my brother leave... it's a bit sad, I guess but more than that, I'm happy for him. He's got a good opportunity to change his life and make things better. To start again. And that got me thinking... it doesn't always take drastic change to start over... to get that fresh start. All it takes is the will to...
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glad i could warm you up! kiss thanks so much for the comment on my set!
Oy... moving sucks.

My brother's moving to pursue a new job and it's cool for him but hard on me and the family. I mean, I'm happy for him, absolutely. But it's going to be hard coping with family issues when we're a body short. Still, the day to day tends to fall into my hands and onto my lap so little will change, I...
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Tonight is quick date night and tomorrow is major date night smile

I kinda want to talk about it now but I'm not gonna... you'll have to tune in tomorrow to see what happens next wink
Oh. My. God.

I am a student right? Full time student who's on aid from the government to study... doesn't work (anymore)... just studies... live alone... pays rent, bills, life all on the goverment dime... so what does one do when the goverment decides that instead of their usual stipend, they're going to give you 90$ to get you through an ENTIRE month...?

Oh, I...
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What. A. Day.

it's not even that anything bad happened... not even that anything less than good happened.. I just don't want to be at my job anymore. I resigned and now I have one more day to get through but I don't even want to... I can barely be bothered... and not even because I'm lazy or uninterested... I just don't want to invest...
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I'm not sure what the tone of today is, just yet... I'm in a good mood for the most part... but there seems to be something on the horizon... just out of reach... just far enough away that I'm not sure what to make of it, just yet... it might be something good... or maybe not... we'll see when it gets closer...
it's far too early in the morning to blog.... I'm going to have a bit of my day first and come back later... hugs and kisses to you all...
thanks for the set comment!
So, um... I think I had a date last night... and I think I have one tomorrow... nice...

I quit my job. not sure how I feel about it yet... work has really changed. I mean, when I first started working at the game shop, it was awesome. good job, great coworkers, fun atmosphere, supportive manager. now? it's nothing of the sort...

worse, the place has become somewhat abercrombie...

When my previous manager and I took over the store, he was adamant...
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