All in all, a day that I needed...

I'm exhausted. Fundamentally exhausted. My father's illness presses forward as I watch him descend into a depression... my mother fights as hard as she can to help a man she stopped loving a long time ago... my younger brother does what he can, considering his own emotional and developmental difficulties... so it goes without saying that I...
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not much to say just yet...

the day's young and just starting for me... back later with a taste of something deeper.

kisses all kiss
You gotta cope with dissapointments sometimes...

At least, that's what I hear... but when they come daily... when all you want is one good thing and you wait all day to have it, like a kid waiting on an ice cream cone, and it doesn't come? well... now I know what good ole' Chuck feels like...

Thank you hun, you comment was lovely and so are you, hope you get what you want soon! kiss
Too early for a blogpost and yet here I am.

I need more sleep... I can't get any just now because my hectic life dictates that I get up and get my round and brown booty moving... so I move... as quick as I can... really... watch me move...

here I go...


I'm going...
Retail therapy is good... retail therapy with your mom is better.

My mom and I have a ritual. Once every few weeks we get together and shop. For whatever. She's fantastic and foots the bill (she's a good woman and knows that her baby boy is under the gun) so that it can be a guiltless endevour. We just shop... and talk... it's the talking...
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What I needed...

ok, this is a quickie cause I'm off to bed... but today was just what I needed... a good day with a great (and smoking hot) friend and her fun cousin (he'll be a heart breaker when he grows up).

ok... I sleep!
The words that we never say are the ones that give us away...

I've been wanting to write a real post for a few days... wanting to get a lot off my chest. Wanting to let it go but these past few days have been hard. I'm living a life in flux right now and the chaos is keeping my pen hand firmly on the...
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i read a page of your blogs. i loved them, and almost sadly many hit home. i think i have a lot of catching up to do with all your writings...
hehehehehe - those poor small woodland creatures - that show is so freakin funny
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today's post is entitled: the post in which Obsi decides what to do with his day.

So, umm... any suggestions?

too much to do and no time... no energy... no drive... the weekend kicked my ass and left me on thr ground saying I could still fight with blurry vision and a hard time getting up...

I'll be back tonight...