1. What is your favorite book and why?
The Partly Cloudy Patriot by Sarah Vowell is my answer today. I am a history nerd but really love thinking about how events of the past resonate today. Sarah is a master of the cause and effect of history and funny to boot.
2. How many languages do you speak?
Southern American English and gibberish.
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exploring new neighborhoods is the best
Cooking/Food, again.
1. Tea or Coffee or juice in the morning, and why?
Protein shake of some kind, usually chocolate, and I like a Lo-Carb Monster but it is not a must like the protein shake is.
2. What's your typical breakfast on workdays, and what on weekends?
I do a lot of yogurt for breakfast but usually opt for leftovers if there are any...
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1.What was your favorite cartoon as a child?
Underdog, GI Joe, Transformers
2. Do you read comic books? Why or why not?
I used to. They get really expensive. I actually once changed jobs to be able to afford my monthly Batman habit.
3. Have you read a book and thought it should be turned into a movie? If so, which book?
Pretty much any...
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Whenever I am running a cash till and it is clear that the person I am helping is not paying attention to me, or the transaction, at all I call nickels 'big dimes'. Well, it all comes back around folks. I was just at Quiktrip and the guy behind the counter finished the transaction by saying "Have a rest of your day". I thought... Wut?...
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Real Life
1. If you could change one thing in your life right at this moment, what would it be?
Make exercise and/or organization more of a priority.
2. What talent/skill don't you have that you'd like to have, and why?
The ability to let that which truly does not matter slide.
3. What talent/skill do you have that not many people know about?
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My sister sent me this in an email:

If you are 30, or older, you might think this is hilarious!

When I was a kid, adults used to bore me to tears with their tedious diatribes about how hard things were. When they were growing up; what with walking twenty-five miles to school every morning.... Uphill... Barefoot.... BOTH ways yadda, yadda, yadda.

And I remember...
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you heard right! wink
1. Which of your country's leaders (past or present) would you like to have a chance to sit down and talk to?
Peter the Great
Genghis Khan
Alexander the Great
2. What job would you never want to have to do?
Call Center Rep (Ive done my time)
3. How many kids do you have and what are their ages? If you don't...
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I have been thinking about live shows as of late. You see, MJ and I will be seeing 30 seconds to Mars twice inside of 30 days soon. MJ LOVES 30 seconds to Mars so really this is a no brainer for us. They played the Cains about 4 years ago just after A Beautiful Lie came out. Alas, we had not yet discovered them...
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Q: Who is your best friend?
A: My wife AKA the sugamama, EmJay, MJ, Randy J, her.
Q: What is one really special thing this friend has done for you?
A: shows me how to love everyday
Q: What have you given up for him/her (that he/she may or may not know about)?
A: Nothing comes to mind.
Q: What was the last thing you...
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Timing is sometimes the key to everything. SometimesYou may meet someone and think; Wow, they are great. What thoughts come next will let you know if the timing is right. If your next thought is any of the following then it is not the right time:
How can I screw this up?
I must get them in bed as quickly as possible.
But I dont...
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1) What's your favorite magazine?
Rolling Stone ties with Martha Stewart Livingyes, I am serious.
2) What book are you currently reading?
I am currently working on Wake Up by Jack Kerouac, Shit Down and Shut Up by Brad Warner, Shakespeares King Lear, and the First Southern Vampire Mysteries book. You know, those Sookie Stackhouse books they base True Blood on.
3) What's the worst...
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I've become impossible
holding on to when
when everything seemed to matter more
the two of us
all used and beaten up
watching fate as it flows down the path we
have chose

you and me
we're in this together now
none of them can stop us now
we will make it through somehow
you and me
if the world should break in two
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