1. What are some hobbies you would like to try, but haven't done so?
I have toyed with the idea of learning the harmonica.
2. Why did you not pursue these hobbies?
Mostly the lazy factor. It takes about a year of daily practice before you are any good.
3. Do you often feel limited by your financial state with how you spend your free...
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thanks for the great comment!
1. favorite actor/actress growing up?
Jack Nicholson
2. favorite TV show/movie they were in and why?
The Shining. Watching the various stages of somebody losing their grip enthrall me.
3. favorite quote by said actor/actress?
"Wait'll they get a load of me."
4. favorite image of said actor/actress?
currently the withering scowl he has on display in a pic where someone has handed him...
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Questions and Answers
Name - Eagle
Nicknames thateagleguy, thebigguy, heyyou, Beau,
Any birth marks yes on my butt
Hair color thinning
Natural hair color dark brown
Eye color - brown
Height I claim 6 foot
Mood eagerly anticipating escape
Favorite color - blue
One Place You Want to Visit - Japan
Love or lust - Love
Cats or dogs...
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Top five albums that most vividly evoke a specific time in my life:

Janet Jackson - janet. - Summer 1993 I just lived with this record. I have owned this album 4 times over two different formats.

Pearl Jam - Vs. - Late 1993 and nearly all of 1994. This is the only thing powerful enough to get me to stop obsessing over janet. I...
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1. If you could be any person in history past, who would you be? Why?
F. Trubee Davison: President of American Museum of Natural History from 1933 to 1951, Yale Alumni, Founder of the First Yale Unit, Cover of Time magazine August 1925, assistant U.S. Secretary of War.
2. What if you had to make a choice, which would ultimately lead to a death,...
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me? i would love coffee and a sandwich.

and to be home
1. What is the one place you never want to live?
Either of the Dakota States. Just too cold. Like South Canada cold.
2. Do you consider yourself to be a "picky eater"?
I do now. I spent 32 years taking on and in anything that passed my way.
3. What do you think people say about you behind your back?
Get out of my...
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1. Moscow Russia
2. Hell nah...I see it, I eat it
3. Wow that girl is such a nerd
4. My own art studio
5. b&w all the way... my daddy always said shit or get off the pot hahaha
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
1. Do you celebrate the religious aspect of Christmas or the commercial aspect of Christmas?
A: Commercial
2. What's your favorite activity to celebrate the holidays? (i.e. baking goodies, making ornaments, etc.)
A: Shopping for the wife.
3. Would you rather give or receive?
A: Cant I have both?
4. What is the gift you are most...
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1. What job do you have and why do you like/hate it?
I charge people money to look at other people's fish. It rocks. Best job I've ever had. Why? Read that first sentence once more....that is why.
2. What did you want to be when you "grew up" as a kid?
Quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys, Rockstar, and Superman.
3. Is the job...
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1. Do you really make wishes when you blow out the candles on your cake?
I make wishes on all kinds of things. I even have an alarm on my phone for 11:11 so I get at least one wish a day in.
2. Have any of the wishes ever come true, if yes?
A few
3. How do you feel about birthdays? (e.g....
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1. What were your three favorite songs ten years ago?

Prince - Gett Off

Nine Inch Nails - Perfect Drug

Chuck Berry - Maybelline

2. What songs or groups from ten years ago did you love then, but don't like anymore?

There is not any songs or groups from ten years back that I loved that I don't love today as well. Granted there are...
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talentless but sexy? wink
wtf is with that show, i love Kurt but do we really need to hear Racheal sing in every episode?
1. Have you ever dressed up as a Disney character?

No. I imagine it is bound to happen someday. Just has not come to pass as of today.

2. What was your favorite Disney movie growing up?

Chip and Dale.

3. Which Disney character can you relate to the most?


4. Have you ever been to a Disney theme park?

Disneyland twice and Disney...
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1. Do people contact you on your cell or house phone more?
Cell most people don't even know I have a house phone. Which is fine with me.
2. Do you call or e-mail your friends/family more?
3. Does your cat/dog/bird/baby/stuffed animal have a livejournal/e-mail/myspace account?
No. I think it is funny but not so much that I want to do such myself....
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