Love is lost at such a cost

Days, months, years

Joys, laughters, fears

The entirety of eternity

The suddenness of now

When the candle burns both ends

It all comes crashing down

We see each other everyday

We let each other slip away

We left unsaid

We tried to say

We'll speak of it another day

Now too late

The damage done

We can't rewind...
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I could never possibly follow each and every one of you. You are all amazeballz in your own unique ways. Any man who cannot see the beauty in tattoos, piercings, and electric hair is missing out on some spectaculuscious ladies!!!!!!!!!!!I'm going to have the best Instagram feed ever. I will follow you...........til the ends of the earth!

so sweet!!!!
Hey Thx!

It's all in the way you bend the words......manipulating the English language and creating yer own slang is a passion of mine.