so far I've sold about 800 records, a 55gal all grain brewing system, and a real ale setup. All of this so we can lighten our load and live in an apartment for a year.

sucks big time but I made a killing on the brew system.
I have 400-500 records I gotta get rid of immediately. Majority of it is reggae and some 70s rock but I might throw some punk/hardcore, jazz, and bluegrass in there just to make it sell faster.

Please?? I'll throw in a sixer or two of beer if you pick em up within a week.
Thank you for the birthday wishes! Hope to see you Saturday.
I'd probably better not take your kitty. I can give you a good recipe, though.
Looks like I'll be leaving the flat lands of Indiana for the uh... flat lands of Charlotte, NC.

At least Charlotte is closer to mountains and the oceans.

We have about a month and a half to sell our house, find a place to live in Charlotte, pack our shit, and move.

Anybody want to help me pack? I can pay you in beer, pizza,...
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Got a new pair of glasses yesterday. After 5 or 6 years of contacts my eyes need a rest.

Tomorrow we head out to West Virginia for 5 days of camping and music. I hope the kid has a good time. I'm thinkin he probably will be fine as he loves to be outside and the weather should be nice.

Off to go finish packing.
watch out for melting child.

i picture you and wifey at, say, a phish show. you leave the little one in a tent while you indulge in endless jams, a vacuum on stage, l s d, dancing that looks like you're praying to the heavens, fixing bacon for cash, etc etc.
Oh damn. Its hard to not start referncing the holy grail when seeing your profile image. trying.....not.....to....

I think we're gonna move to Charlotte, NC. Freaky shit.

I've lived here in Indianapolis for 31 years and can't imagine what it'd be like to move someplace so far away.

I'm excited but very scared about the whole thing. It's a big gamble but if my company does well it'd be crazy good for me.

And I REALLY need to quit smoking.
What kind of cheese are you?


I'm chevres.

10 days till vacation in the mountains!
Been a while since I've updated this thing and a ton of shit has happened this month.

Bathroom remodel is in full swing and should be done by Saturday. I can't wait till it's finished! Not having a shower sucks major ass but at least we have a toilet.

In other news we might be moving to Charlotte, NC in a few months. We haven't...
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ooo! a move! we could do visits and such!

what brings that about such a major thing?

i'll tell you what's shakin': my tailfeathers. bok

nah...i've been busy as hell, but mostly really good. how's your little peanut? my boy (7 now..eek!) is visiting his dad in AZ for 6 weeks which is nice for the break and the freedom, but i sure miss that awesome kid.

hello to your lovely ladies!
I'll help you with your remodel project if you help me with mine.
The SG Book arrived today. Good stuffs.

In other exciting news, I spent the afternoon doing synergy excersizes with my co-workers and what did I learn?

Synergy sucks.
Nice... i still have to order mine... as soon as i have money it's so mine smile
I had the bestest weekend ever.

Alexis threw me a suprise birthday party that kicked total ass on Saturday and I won a hundred bucks at a poker game on Sunday.

Life is good n shit.
Don't need beer? Blasphemy!
bathroom remodel starts tomorrow!

Now all we have to do is find a place to shower for the next week.
Happy birthday!!!
only two months till fun fun fun!

Call me a hippie if you want, I don't care.. It's gonna be a blast!