I have no fuckin idea what to right.My brain just kinda shits the bed and goes blank sometimes.Maybe I shouldnt have started abusing chemicals at such a young age.But then again I wouldnt be the person I am now if I hadnt.That would be no fun.I rather enjoy bein a space case whack job.If the government only knew my past.I bet they wouldnt give me...
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haha, well there are some books that describe the teen crush for aunts, like "Aunt Julia". I haven't read it, but I think it's about that...And not only the crush but the lust really....
I never had a crush for an uncle though, they resemble too mucho to my dad, so it would be really sick...
yeah, that would sound like a Malena or something, little kid dreaming about this hot lady....Don't worry dude, I never pictured you like that!!! wink
Only one fuckin person has the balls to send me something illegal!I thought you fuckers were hardcore.All I see now is a bunch of pussies. miao!!
im not hardcore and never claimed to be im the most innocent thing on the internet confused you seem quite f***in hardcore though skull

Hey ok how about this. on leave will go see Carrie and set her on fire. IF all she dose is drinks now adays she should go right up. I have talked to the carebeers and they said they would fly over and clean up for us after words. god deal.
BAh you not hardcore. More like a kitten.
Who wants to send me something illegal for X-Mas?I promise Ill teach ya the right way to get it over here.Doesnt have to be totaly illegal.Just semi if yer that scared. wink
ALso i think we need to brake alot of shit when where back. Like car windows in austin. As need to make sure i get to put a beer bottle into someones head before we go on the camping trip. People suck so everyone should pay for the faults of the world. love
Ok going to bed
Why the fuck does my ex keep fuckin w/me.Its like she cant take a fuckin hint.Shes the one who ended it,so I dont know why she doesnt understand shit.For a girl w/a 3.6 GPA,shes pretty fuckin stupid. ooo aaa
Haha good luck. Maybe someday you'll find it outwink
I love pictures of hot girls. wink
haha maybe babywink
Whent on one of those class mate finders last night.I seen girls on there I havnt talked to in forever.So I emailed them.When I woke up this mornin one of them had wrote back.Not even the one I thought would.Maybe she still wants it.She was a little freak to.God,I cant wait to get home. ooo aaa
I'll tell you what i want. One day of fair game day out in the city. Oh the kids will run and the old will die. Thats all i really want for x-mes. I'm doing it all for the JC. Taking down the evil of this land one 240 burst at a time. I got a round for everyone and theres no line for this ride to hell fuckers. Get ready carebears Ive got trucks loads for ya. Make sure the bunnys bring the brooms and mops because the blood will fill the street. I will be singing in the rain of blood that will fall from the sky. Because i'm doing it all for the JC. And that makes it alllll right in his hood tongue

[Edited on Dec 11, 2004 11:11AM]
My Hawthorn Heights CD came in the mail today.'Tis pretty badass I must say.What a shame I didnt here about these guys sooner.Its the kinda music ya just wanna get fucked up to.Speakin of fucked up,I could really use a beer. ooo aaa
I could use a fuckin shot o' Jager....
Just climbed the stack.Im so tired.Only got 1/2 way and said fuck it.Ill get some pics. up. ooo aaa
tori's my wifey. when she wakes up i may call her up- perhaps she will know how to get a video up for you. if she does, i will tell you how to.
As I sat reading Tori's journal it dawned upon me how much I miss pharmacuticals.The warm fuzzy feelin she talked about described it perfectly.I used to love mixing them w/weed and beer.After you've partied all day and your brain finaly shuts down for the night you experience some of the best sleep you'll ever get in your life.Like a sweet coma that ends at around...
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DONT SAY IT. I will send you some goddamn Christmas presents if I have to. Whats your frickin adress. I will not tolerate my army boys not having something good to look forward too. I will even make some delish cookies and freeze dry them like M15s but way better. And *pssss* Santa isn't real and if he was I would hope his fat jolly ass would get stuck in a fireplace and incinerate. Lard is good with cookies and milk.
Oh, that was just me being classy and thinking I know alot of army things because my brother is a badass. I will start a collection for you guys, although I doubt it will get to you in time for Christmas. Me, I just got off work and now I am all wound up and can't sleep. Painting the nails time smile
What the fuck.Lolita fucked her hair alllllll up!Makes me sad.What the hell ever happened to writin me people?You all suck. puke
stun guns own. i want to see the tape of it.
im sorry!
i still care smile
My fuckin back hurts!What the fuck was I thinkin?"Im a hardcore mother fucker,now go ahead,shoot me with that stun gun."Dont ask me why I did it.Its not like I wanted to know what it feels like.Ive been hit with a couple in my day,so I know exactly what they feel like.The police ones hurt more.These ones arent that bad.They just paralize the shit outta ya...
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i wanna see! *curious*