New years eve kind of sucked. I ended up with a horrible headache that lasted until about four in the morning. I made the mistake of signing up for 6A.M. shift at the doggy daycare but ended up calling into work. I started running a fever in the middle of the night and couldn't stop coughing. It was quite a time I tell ya'. I've...
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Its Christmas and I didn't get much but I could care less. All I care about is the kids in my family gettting gifts, espessially my neice and nephew and baby sister. Those three don't have rich parents so I'm glad my siblings went out of there way this year for em'. I come from a family of seven with parents who didn't graduate from...
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You are a beautiful person. It is rather brave to believe in the impossible.
Upon realizing that myso called crush was an obsessive psycho I've suddenly lost all interest and am instead avoiding her. Shes been texting her ex horrible shit to make her feel bad and I think that for someone her age she should know better. She talks about carma....yeah.

I work at a coffee shop and have a girl who comes in that I'm incredibly shy...
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Of late I've been completely exhausted. I have a huge crush on my co-worker, Dana. She is an amazing woman and I wish she didn't give to figs about her ex, but she does. All I want to do is ask her out on a date but I know it would probably be a bad idea at this point. I never thought I would like...
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Recently I had te worst day of my life or could possibly be the worst day of my life. I made some mistakes in my life that I wish I could take back, but unfortunatly I have to live with the consquences. Tomorrow I get to have a 14 hour day, that should be interesting but hopfully get my mind of things. I probably won't...
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Regret is a wasted emotion. Live, learn, move on.
"That's all I have to say about that."
A friend of mine says that he has someone that I should meet. Her name is Melissa and I'm quite curious. He says that he would like us to be friends first and not jump straight into a relationship. He made a really good point when he said that people should be friends first. Because once that honeymoon phase is over you need to know...
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hey, i just wanted to say thanx for responding to my post...i lived in CO Springs for a bit...BTW dd have a family function this year....i was just commenting on people in general that don't have that....but thanx so much babe, who knows, maybe one day i'll be in that area again!
I want a girlfriend. Someone I can talk to, kiss, love, all that crap sounds really great. I'm too damn shy, thats the problem. frown
Thats easier said than done. Plus I wouldn't just see someone casually, I would have to connect with them. I've never been the type who could just see someone even though theres no chance of nothing serious that would or could result. Also, all of my friends are either in a serious relationship or getting out of one and have no desire to go and meet people. What I'm saying is I need some incentive to go out, somebody who will push my ass along. Sounds terrible, I know.
Man, wish I could be your first femme experience! But I'm sure you want someone who is all yours, and I'm a married girl. If you ever want a no-strings fling though, I'm all yours! wink Ah well, I can dream, lol. I'd love to talk! IM me sometime... Glynis Luna on AIM.

Hmm I have two jobs now, one at the coffee shop another at the doggy day care. I actually like it quite a bit and am quite proud of my self. I'm finally supporting my self so its a big change. Recently got a new piercing, the medusa and look even hotter now. wink
Its a piercing that you recieve on the upper center part of the lip
Yeah, you'e SMOKIN', honey. Love it.

[Edited on Nov 20, 2005 12:30PM]
Currently sitting at my brothers birthday and I'm quite bored out of my skull. I wish I had a girl friend, somebody I had something in common with. Oh well, it will happen sooner or later. Still talking to my ex and am unsure if that is a bad thing or a good one. Trying to get my friends to take me to a gay...
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