I felt embarrassed while watch this video:

I don't know why I felt embarrassed, but I think you should feel that way too. Everybody involved should. Creators and spectators alike. Oh man.

- I just put in my two weeks in at a job that I worked at for over 4 years. I've been thinking of quitting for 4 years. How does that much time pass? Really? It frightens me to think that I need to be so comfortable with my surroundings that I'll choose to do something I don't want to for 4 years. Maybe I...
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The new Dalk is hop-hop/metal of the future!! Congrats!! It is very worthy of headphones.. * --- The more you know ---* Imagine a rainbow now, without an arch.. ..Without a regard to any fucking Pantone system. A unicorn in a crock pot... A terribly memorable first kiss that led itself to a hastily thrown together divorce. There's entirely too much stuff going on to...
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Hola gracias por tu agradable comentario en mi nuevo set sunset missions. me gustan las observaciones que realizas y si espero tener suerte y pronto"! con este set. besos kiss
Lori from Acid Kind just wrote me a fucking letter!!!?!!! Oh my goodness... Are these my 15 minutes of fame? How the hell do I use them? Oh man... Oh man.. Just smile at the camera!!! How do I look? Yes, I did just eat spinach... Why?

- I am drinking a PBR (yup) and listening to the new Q-Tip album!!! It feels so good to hear his voice!! Not bad for a 40 year old! Actually, it's really good for a 20 year old. I forgot how smooth he was... It's been a decade since we last spoke, Mr. Tip. Dilla produced two songs right before he died... and so far...
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- Me2: You, my friend - you are boss!! I want that pizza now!! Go make it for me. Me1: Oh man, seriously? How about we just order it from somewhere? Me2: at 5:30 in the morning? Me1: You go make it!! Me2: No way man, I am too busy holding this shit-storm you call a body, from embarrassing itself in social situations.. Me1: What do you call this? Me2: Fair enough. Let's just stay awake until a place opens. Me1: Deal... Can I do that thing I wanted to for years? Me2: You mean steal back your recycling bucket that Mrs _____ stole from you? Me1: Yup. Me2: Totally!! Then let's go watch those episodes of Californication we missed. Me1: Brutal!! I totally forgot about them!! Me2: Where would you be without me?. Cue sappy music.... the doves a...n...d... the curtain.
- I need to write more often. I bought these headphones. My friend described them, as looking like God himself cut off his ears and attached wires. Perfect! I have been mixing a lot of music lately. Stating new projects. My ears are much obliged. The Fall in the city is not very spectacular. I miss the smell of chimney smoke off in the distance.....
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I am in love with the girl that does the Progressive commercials. Where did she come from? ...And my immersion blender.? I love that much more. Best thing ever!! Time for bed.
- I used to have over 100 entries... Ever try to clean house, but can't? Then one day... You throw away everything? Only in attempt to move on? I am moving on... ...and I have gotten vague.