Who is with me and thinks SG should do USO tours.
they should totally do USO tours!!!smile
Ok We have one now. we are going to need more if this is going to get off the ground
Well its has been over a week since the last rocket...you could say it was a nice brake.
so I was board yesterday and made a online dating profile.

Im a selfish prick I am good looking successful young enough to do it old enough to do it right. I dont smoke I am lots of fun I dont have time for petty drama or emotional hysterics. Also i am intelligent and educated and dont care what anyone else think of me. I...
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wrote my 1st letter today

how i am feeling - sad , lonely, empty, mad, cry,sick............................................................................................
ove time ill get over it. from the time i posted my thoughts not as moody. the main issue is myself and how i dont know how to deal with my emotions and relationships.

the gal i have been seening for the past year is just fed up with me and my action ( out bursts ) cant really blam here i knda get carried away.

the situation i am in right now mine had compouned what i was feeling this morning.

This how board i am (having a hard time getting to sleep)
I an starting a life challange

Write down the following:

A. One or two sentences describing how you believe other people currently perceive you.
Depending on the person I am either seen a Jerk, Ass whole, Know-it-all, lazy ass, the person when one door cloese a new one opens. Fat/ lazy. A great...
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i have to say something i miss about being here is not going on dates and being out in public reading people. itits like a am in a bubble since there is a diffent way to gage stauts in the military with the rank system.

i recomend looking up Geoffery millier he has some good insite in how we find our mates.ooo aaa
I understand where your coming from. The standards you live in day in and out are high, and when you get out amongst civilians it can sometimes make you feel like an island. ill definitely look that guy up, i love that kind of reading.
ooo i like dates
well worked out again today 3time this week. lets see how long i can keep up..
good job! working on that myself tongue
how is that going for you ?bok
whats going on people?
got me 1st friend today on here dont know them but they seem cool after reading there profile.