There were 8 girls in my house in my year at school when we left in 05. It's funny to think that 5 years on, we're all adults. 3 of us are married. We don't keep in touch. Some have disappeared into the ether.

I'm haunted recently by ghosts of my past, and a deep nostalgia for a time that never existed.
I know that feeling!
You should defo go, I saw them in July and they were fantastic, plus Union Chapel is a lovely venue.
Sometimes this is too much. Sensory overload.
Urban grime. Heels, skirts, shirts, beer, laughing. Open rubbish bags are picked over by rats. Music thuds from the bars. Traffic honks and screeches. It's so bright. Headlights, neon lights, streetlights. Noise and light is everywhere. Everything is moving. The air smells like fumes and puke. Loud. I want to fill myself up with this filth. Roll around...
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I've been making lists today.

Things I did today:

]Wore my hubby's jeans to the supermarket
Planned our summer holiday
Planned an impossibly expensive holiday for when I win the lottery.
Remembered 2 things I'd forgotten at the shops as soon as I walked in my front door
Texted a friend who didn't text back.
Researched the impending move and got removals quotes.
Ate too...
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Oh geez. more decisions.

So I have to get a new job - and i'm in the lucky position of having to make another choice. I've practically got an offer from another simillar one to what i'm doing now, except it's not a training contract (cos I failed exams recently), but it could turn into one further down the line. They've also offered to sponsor...
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Photographs are smiles that last forever
Snowmen that can never melt away
Birthday celebrations caught in amber
Rescued from the vaults of yesterday

Faces that were once more dear than diamonds
Boys who kept you up until the dawn
Houses filled with bicycles and babies
Ghosts who left their shadows on the lawn

Then turn the page
And see the children grow
The adults age...
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So a couple I know are just about to break up - they're in that difficult "we've pretty much decided to split up and move out, we just haven't said it yet" phase.

Thing is - I know the guy cheated on her about a month ago (and has admitted so to various people), and although she knows "about" her, she doesn't know the...
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If ignorance was really that blissful, the world would be a MUCH happier place !!
When you have to get dressed up to go to the hairdressers, you KNOW you're in the hip part of town.

I want to learn italian
Seems like everyone is getting engaged. So much for my generation being all "career first".
I picked up my generic takeaway and stepped out into the cold.
I passed the generic blinking neon lights, and smiled at the generic saturday night partiers
I smelled the generic fast-food shops as the generic cars splashed in the puddles on the road.
A generic saturday night.
I had a really bizarre experience the other night. I'd just been out for dinner with some friends, and walking back to the station a girl walked right in front of me with her boyfriend. I recognised her just as she crossed in front of me, she didnt notice me, but she was a girl I went to school with. I havent spoken to her...
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Ok, so due to my apparent inability to sit and pass professional exams...im now looking for a new job (or probably will be from Monday, when they actually get round to sacking me...)
Problem now is, what to do. Ideally, no professional exams...

I really dont mind working late - as long as it's interesting. Not like this job, where i've actually had NOTHING to...
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I dont read enough
Today at work I compiled a list of books that I feel I've missed. There's 50 on the list, in no discernible order, and I'm going to try at least most of them in the coming year. I hope. Any comments, suggestions welcome.

1. Crime and Punishment
2. Steppenwolfe
3. Through the looking glass
4. The Trial
5. The cairo Trilogy...
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you put the unbearable lightness of being on there twice. probably because you're subconsciously aware of its amazingness.
Ha, you're right, well I'll cheat and replace one of them with the Icelandic saga I just finished today! Then i'm one done, 49 to go!