Coughs Florescence

The smoking iron giant
Coughs fluorescence
'Cross the burgundy sky
Soft hidden starlight
Almost hidden high
Loosening the tightness
Of this frigid lonely night
With the hours growing smaller
So dulls my sight

Having a Halloween party this weekend. I requested Mon. off in case there's still keg to finish. With the drinkin' fools I'll be having over, we'll probably need more. So I'm gonna be a pimp with fake gold teeth and Bootsy Collins sunglasses. Straight.

What's everyone else doin' for Halloween?

Working. frown
I'm really too broke to do much any ways.
I feel pretty good right now. Wish it could last. I did have a little time away from work. Should be enough to keep me going for a while. Beautiful people saying nice things make a difference too. They know who they are. Back to my guitar now.

I'm glad you're feeling good. smile
I haven't played guitar in ages. I think they feel abandoned. I should rectify that soon. wink
I'm so tired most of the time these days that I've been having frequent hallucinations. I hear and see things that don't necessarily exist. Who needs drugs, right?

I'm hittin' a 6er of Red Hook and working with some recording software. Thought I'd take a break.
I watched Wild at Heart for the first time in a long while tonight and it's gotten me back...
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You need rest more that I do.
I've seen Wild At Heart several times. It's a great movie! biggrin
i think you need a day off. biggrin come and visit me!
we are accidents waiting to happen

How true.
hahah, i'm going to crown you king of double posts biggrin

i know i'm a huge accident waiting to happen.

i hope everything is going ok! are you ok? frown
It's almost freakin' June already!! WTF?!! Oh well, people waer less clothes in the summer, right? wink

I haven't seen any good movies in a while. Any suggestions? I got this four day weekend, and I'll surely find a lot to do, but I want a few chill nights too.

Hope everyone's ok. See ya.

Have you seen Kung Fu Hustle or Sin City? I think those are the last two that I've seen.
Doing a whole bunch of work to the house. I have no time for anything anymore. Can't wait to finish my projects so I can get down with my bad self. ARRR!!!
Eeeep! I was just looking at your pics folder, and your boss kinda gives me the creeps. surreal
Good luck with the "housing projects". biggrin
...I'm alive

I'm feeling pretty good. My weekend has begun and I'm ready to relax and enjoy myself. This past week was pretty rough.

So tonight, I'm just gonna listen to some music, watch a little tv, drink a few and go to bed. Gotta recharge and get some stuff out of the way tomorrow. Then it's just whatever the hell I feel like doing.

Enjoy your weekend. smile
Been taking it easy evey chance I get. Not trying to avoid people, but keeping to myself a lot. That makes no sense. Watched "Y Tu Mama Tambien" last night. Pretty intense flick. A little raunchier and a little darker than I thought it would be.

I'm gonna go play my guitar for a while. Ideas are just flowing these days. A little solitude can...
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I've been wanting to watch that movie, but I haven't yet. Haven't played guitar in weeks. I need to get my ass in gear.