umm... in what context did this happen??
Hello there! If you like pictures here are more for your viewing pleasure:


Millennium is an awesome show, and I have pre-ordered the DVD's so as to have them down on the first flight of Winfly, if I am lucky.

What do I do? The very basic thing is to think of Radar O'Reilly from M*A*S*H. I chase cargo around and input information in data bases. There is much more that goes in to it, but for our purposes here it will do.

How did I end up here? Bluntly, I needed to leave. I was reading the phone book one day, and came across a little blurb in the yellow pages that said Antarctic Support Associates. So, me being me, I called and asked what they were. They told me, gave me their website, and I was hired a few days later....This will be my second year with the program.

I am glad to know I can at least be educational at times, and I am always more than happy to answer any questions you have that I can. wink

I became a slave to one of the latest fads and had my mother buy me a Coach purse. Oi.

The Peacock is a carousel "horse". It's an original wood one, very rare.
I think they would be more confused than hurt, they aren't really good with the humor.
Go see Super Size Me NOW!

I just saw it at the Arclight, followed by a Q&A with the director/star/guinea pig, Morgan Spurlock. Very important that you go see this film. Send your friends, too. It will fundamentally change your life. You will never look at fast food in the same way ever again. You'll become a healthier person, a happier person, a better person....
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I've been Super-sized, dude, for a couple weeks now. Seems to be the best movie I've seen this year.

I now have to ask myself-- do I go see Moore's documentary, considering I dropped reading Dude, Where's My Country? because of the lamely insult-laden, unprofessional attitude of the writing? Also, why Fahrenheit 9/11?? Was he prevented from using Dude Where's My Country? just in case someone mistook a political documentary for an Ashton Kutcher comedy? (I'm sure that happens a lot.)
Also, does it winning the Cannes award mean anything or is that just motivated by anti-Americanism? (btw, I'm not crazy about America, so this isn't meant as an insult so much as a genuine question.)

Saw Coffee and Cigarettes. Was okay, but the best segments seem to be those with actual actors in them. The Wright/ Benigni piece goes absolutely nowhere, the Waits/ Pop one's kinda dull, but most of the segments are good... if you wanna know more of what I think, please see the past couple of JuneCleavage Journals, as I've dumped all C&C thoughts in there- thank yuuu.
Anything that is apple I love. I mean, I'm an apple whore... uh.. no. I have a pc hooked up to my apple display... so I'm just a flat out dork.
I'm so proud of myself. I just went to Amoeba and bought two CDs, new -- PJ Harvey's Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea and Deerhoof's Milkman. First time I've paid for music in .... in... wait, let me go look this up.

IN ALMOST A FRIGGIN YEAR! Really, in eleven months. Last music I bought prior to that was Solex (Elizabeth...
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Right now, I'm checking out a CD that came with a Mekons art exhibit book that I got through interlibrary loan; a strange mixture of stuff, their country but also (so far) pretty industrial!
Oooh... crazy 'Fish, serious 'Fish.

Crazy 'Fish, serious 'Fish.

Music = good. I am a consumer whore and will be there at midnight to by The Cure (it's self-titled :eeksmile
Man, I've been up all night. Slept all day yesterday, then went to a party last night and got home at 4AM. Now it's 10AM and I'm still up! Vampire hours. I started trying to write a journal entry here a couple of nights ago, and somehow it turned into a really in-depth review of Spike Lee's Bamboozled. When I got home from the...
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hey right back atcha! smile
I replaced that fan all by myself... I am amazed with me. Taking the power supply out of a G4 tower is intimidating. Opening the power supply without a guide and removing the busted fan is daunting. Shlepping to Fry's to buy a replacement fan from uninterested and completely unhelpful employees and then enduring a devastatingly long line is mind-numbing. Soldering a piece of the...
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I get the feeling your PC broke down! confused
hmm. i can't think of anything i would feel safe about fixing. i made the coffee table in my livingroom...ok ok i got it from ikea...but i put it together all by myself...ok i'll shut up now.

hee hee cops in hong kong. why am i watching this?
I come home the other night. My desktop computer is making a sound like a leaf blower. Thinking that I'm going to have to send my secondary hard drive back to IBM for (literally) the fifth time, I finally back up both of my internal drives with the external which has been returned twice.

For reasons I'll spare you, this process ends up taking a...
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dude!!!!! I cracked up laughing when i saw your profile pic! those are great!

wumskate is an event on monday, and both you and max should go, because I can't imagine either of you on rollerskates, and It will be lots of fun...
I went to my first audition ever for HBO Latino. I sucked..LOL!!

It's one of those things where I realized that musicians should stick to music. Much research and a shit load of bad movies has proven that, right?

take care mang! (in a Tony Montano voice)

Saw Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind last night w/a few friends. Oh man. GO SEE IT. Charlie Kaufman IS the zeitgeist (God, I hope I'm using that word correctly). It got me to thinking: The truth will set you free, and being set free isn't necessarily an entirely pleasant experience, but it doesn't suck nearly as bad as trying to live without ever telling...
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Okay, I looked it up... Looks like I was right on the money on this one:
\Zeit"geist`\, n. The spirit of the time; the general intellectual and moral state or temper characteristic of any period of time.

Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc

And how cool am I? I give proper props to Webster's... and still, though, I wonder if I could get sued...
I just watched the polyp commercials on the colon cancer awareness site.

"I was jogging!"

so I'm going to go see eternal sunshine tomorrow night if that's allright with you. I've got a full schedule of loafing about today.
Lost $70 at poker... but actually had a really good evening. Egos did not clash as they had in the past. I'm improving my ability to adapt to dealing with someone whose buttons I push, who pushes mine.

And I'm loving my DEVO DVD! Bought it the other night when I was out with ThePirate and Maxx and we ran into Voltaire. That was...
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The Devo bassist created all the videos, right? Did he have any formal film education? They were tha tripple-shezanitt at videos.
Most of what you said was new to me; I suppose I can return the favor by noting that Mothersbaugh is also a common name in the credits to Wes Anderson's films (subtext-- if you haven't yet bought the soundtrack to Rushmore, do so... it is a delight).

I would say Devo lost it when they chose to do (speaking of soundtracks) the music for Dr. Detroit. Maybe I'm erroneously judging that which I haven't seen, but Dr. Detroit looks like a real piece-de-merde movie....a merde Dan Ackroyd movie, no less.
My friend, Jeila Gueramian, drew the original pencil art of this fish. I've played with the image a lot over years. Watch what happens when the image changes from the red background to the original black&white art... it appears to briefly give fishy a reddish-orange tint.

I've just listened to PJ Harvey's Big Exit for the 25th time in a row. Somehow it hits me...
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hey... add me to your friends list....
thanx..... smile
Okay, this is really amusing right here: Top Ten Worst Album Covers Of All Time. But for a real thrill, keep reading this guy's diary entries -- they're linked at the bottom of the page.
I mostly read Hunter in high school... but I've read some of Generation of Swine lately, and it holds up. In high school, I read that one, The Curse of Lono, most of The Great Shark Hunt (which is a little sprawling... a lot sprawling, and has some actual straight Morley-Saefer-type journalism from his old days), a little of Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72 (because, as you'll see soon, presidential races are dull), and ...Las Vegas.

Funny thing about ...Las Vegas; when it came out, it made many critics' Worst Film lists... now I see it on people's Favorite Films lists on SG. I think it kinda sucked... I think it was more of a psych-drug spectacle-goofball-parade than what the book was really about-- America dying in the '70s, and/ or finding America. For my money, the best chapter that dealt with this, the most clever of the book, is left out of the film. This chapter is presented in tape-recorded-report form; Lazlo and Hunter are asking someone where America is ("we're trying to find America"), and the person mistakenly thinks they mean a bar, so they ride out the confusion as metaphor.
So, imho, the book much preferable to the film... I think I have big problems with all of Gilliam's films, really, except Munchausen is mostly flawless.

The only Hunter I know I haven't read offhand is Hell's Angels. It's fairly well-respected; once again, I think earlier in his career he was more "straight" and maybe that's why this book (about, yes, biker gangs) is respected and why I skipped it! His writings, late'60s and onward, are sorta half-journalism, half made-up-confrontation... not that he lies, but I guess he makes up fights and confrontations and plays up hostilities and politician's desperation (which might not be observed by most of us) to make for interesting readings... I think this is kinda wise, as politics are pretty boring shit... but, by HST's own admission, he is a hardcore political junkie, and he plays up characteritics of politicians, particularly those he hates.

I loved Breakfast of Champions, a bold, brave book, but yeah, Vonnegut is unhappy reading. His mirror held to humanity/ society is unforgiving.
ps - I'm pretty sure Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas was written in 1971... I stand behind what I wrote above, though; it is prescient of the death of America in the '70s... which was easy enough for a journalist following it from 1968 on, with all the socio-political turbulence.

Also, I'm touched that you read a book (Rucker's) that I recommended. Not always easy to get folks to do so. smile