my cat came home a while ago and i was so happy cus he's amazing, but now he's at the vets and he almost died, well he wasn't breathing properly and who knows if he would have been ok if i didn't take him.

everything else is great

hope everythings good with u guys

So Toki is back looking for some tinder loven care. Toki 1, Coyotes 0.
Well did you make it to Vegas..? wink
happy birthday cutie...
where are you??
Not that u guys give a shit about this but i thought it would be an amusing way to pass the time, thanks sepsis

-Piercings?: just read the sidebar
-What is the most recent movie you've seen in the theatre:Wedding Crashers
-Eye color: brown
-Place of birth:New westminster, BC
-Ever been to Africa: Going to Egypt would be a dream come true
-Ever been...
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my sweet, sweet kittie toki has gone missing. frown i have not seen him in a week and i think someone stole him, i guess it's just nicer to think that he's still alive instead in some fucking coyote's stomach.

I FUCKING HATE COYOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's next to imposible to have an outdoor cat when u live near trails and chopped down forests.
Fuck the treechoppers too....
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I'm getting MARRIED!!!!
We're driving down to Vegas!
I love my crazy boy so much
and i'm the luckiest girl in the world.

love love love love love love love love

My summer has been fucking crazy as hell and i would not change it for the world.

Life is still life, everythings going good.
Tams is coming down from chiliwack this weekend and me and my boy are atcually going to go away for a nite cus the weathers not going to be shit.
Schools okay. It's better when Beth's there. The one friend i atcually made, she's super cool.
And I might be going to Green Day, well we just have...
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I wish I were going to Green Day. I spent my money on Warped Tour.
hey pretty lady.... this is b_citi but things got fucked up and this is who i am now... add me back if ya want smile
updating would be good.

I can't believe it's fuckin June tomarrow, i don't know where the freakin time goes.

Anyways my boyfriends amazing, i'm so lucky i met him, he treats me like a boyfriend should and it's taken me a long time to find the right one. Yeah, I think he's the one.

But, yeah, work's okay. School's okay. I atcually made two friends...
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Congrats... you should post some pics tongue
I love burning bitches' shit!
Ah, it's the weekend.
not that that matters or anything. I still have to work and stuff.

I get to hang with my sister tomarrow which is great cus i never see her.

My new guy is treating my wonderfully, he's so amazing. When i'm with him nothing else matters.

Life is good, what can i say.

Oh, and i added more pics to my...
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wait, y have you not joined SGBC yet? It's like SG Canada west, only there's not a bunch of Calgary crap. It's all vancouver and victoria

I'm finally back. YAY!! biggrin blackeyed
Yes, I am still alive. I know i haven't updated for awhile, but, eh, now i am.

So i had a great week. I met a wonderful guy who makes me smile.
I went to Tam's party in chilliwack, which was fun. Basically a complete stoner session. Which reminds me that i want to smoke a joint now.

And i'm watching new Family Guy. Yipee!...
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new family guy kicked ass.
So the fucker Jay who owns the stores below me is putting out cat traps outside. Hearing this tonite was not good for my nerves. If he so much as hurts any of the cats that live around me, i will fucking kill that man.

I HATE him.

And if he hurts my cat, well lets just say i wish i could get away with...
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hell yeah mustangs are awesome.
You can use photobucket.com to upload your pics
Then just put them on your entrys here. biggrin
movies are cool! especially those about that guy with the... oh, you know... that... damn... what was that? whatever
i haven't written an entry in way too long.

i keep telling myself i'm going to but never do.

anyways i have pics to upload from what i've been up to but i'm too lazy at the moment to take the time.

Anyways how is everyone?

I'm great!
I'm doing great as well,
I STILL need to get a job.
I met someone who completes me biggrin
The Big Lebowski is one of my personal favorites. It seems peculiar to me that in all of Jeff Bridges' roles, he seems to maintain a level of coolness that only he can achieve. *sigh* I wish I could be as chill as the dude. ARRR!!! argh.
Finals really suck.
I don't work tomarrow or tuesday and I get to work during the day on wednesday. So overall i think it'll be a good week.

This weekend rocked. I went to the Frog on friday with my mum and we had steak dinner and some drinks. I haven't gone out for food with my mum in forever. My mum is the...
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Happy 420!! eeek
silly girl.

this is why it would be so difficult to do what I want to do in the future- because absolutely NOBODY is aware, and it takes a LOT of effort and a LOT of money to inform everyone that there is such a thing.

You should take a look through my pic folders... synth dreads are a GOD, but make sure you don't get them done by ANYBODY ELSE other than someone who is HAIRPOLICE CERTIFIED... by this I mean me, some chick in Toronto, or GERVIAS (probably you best bet) who works with Knotty Boy in Vancouver. Her service goes under a company called hairoine.

Synth dreads are made by tying in pieces of really nice synth hair (in any colour of the rainbow!) and backbrushing/steaming them into place. The dreads are smooth, soft, and beautiful! When you wanna take them out all you have to do is snip the string and your hair is back to normal. They're SOOOoOooOOO wicked fun and you get tons of attention. My hair is too short to do them right now so I just have braids temporarily but yaaa! smile

Theyre expensive tho... anywhere from 400-650 bucks! SOOOO fucking worth it though!!
Finals really suck.
I don't work tomarrow or tuesday and I get to work during the day on wednesday. So overall i think it'll be a good week.

This weekend rocked. I went to the Frog on friday with my mum and we had steak dinner and some drinks. I haven't gone out for food with my mum in forever. My mum is the...
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