Not just a Holiday Greeting and well wishing, but an overall Hope Everyone Is Kickin Arse! I hope everyone out there is doing great. Be it getting ready for the Holidays, if you do that kinda thing, getting ready to tie on or strap on a massive one! Or just getting ready to make mac and cheese without burning the water! Happy upcoming Solstice too....
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This is nothing ground breaking, just something I wanted to share with my friends here.
I just got what will probably be the neatest gift I ever get.
When my Gramma passed away I got a few things I really treasure, besides memories. Some old books, Shakespeare plays.
I recently got an old journal, turns out to be my Great Grandfather's travel journal from when...
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Yeah definitly memorie's are the best things other than living for the moment.
Stay strong.

and YES, I look forward to the bridal shower, the bachlorette/bachlor parties, the hitching, the reception and the fucking honey moooon.
party central!
Wow, that's really neat.
Thanks for the complements, mister!
A Happy friggin Howdy to all. I'm hiding out reading postings. Seriously though hope y'all are doin great whatever you're doing or not doing. Not a bad day here, finally got some rain. Played with a large pack of dogs for most of the morning/afternoon. Making chainmaile armour now....well not right now obviously, I'm a bit bleary eyed from that ( kind of the same...
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Happy Holidays to all. If you're in the world where they don't do Thanksgiving no worries, have a good one. Enjoy the triptaphan coma. JT biggrin
I will! wink biggrin
Just a Howdy to all! Happy almost Thanksgiving. Monday is winding down thankfully. I had to take some procrastination time. Nothing groundbreaking to add. Making chainmail/armour today. Yay!, I get to do a FearFactorLive rehearsal on Wed., can't wait to see what they are serving. I suggested a full Thanksgiving meal and desert blended smoothie style..probably too easy,we'll see. Have a good one y'all. Back...
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Interesting pictures you have. BTW- the pictures of your dog looks just like mine but the colours are sandy colours, he's a border terrior mix w/a little jack russel in him. Heh. funny. Yeah ok it's fucking 9 mins to 8am .. No idea how the f*** my dunk ass got up so early but i'm going back to bed. Later

confused confused tongue
Thanks so much!! Chuck actually just watched that one. He likes to watch I guess! I happen to be a recreational smartass as well! xo