How I love being at home. Sky+ HD and cupboards full of munch.
Had a jolly old night abusing both, Caught up on Gladiators, the new Red Dwarf (Oh dear eh?) and now just watching South Park. Haven't seen it in years and just caught the Queef episode. Love it.
I'm going to buy the film when I get back, Paramount are advertising it and...
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Saw 4 & 5 are utter nonsense, and I liked the first 3. Just messing around with some police guy we don't care about frown
Moved to Glasgow? K K K K KKrazy!
hope you're having fun in France kiss
So. Boredom has stuck. This week for the first time in about a month I haven't had anything to do.
It's weird yo!
I'm having to find little things to do to break up my day. (I work nights). Ahh well at least I am finally giving my DVD collection the attention it deserves.
And I had to time to get my hair done. No...
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How about take a creative course and sell your wares, or plan a festival and attempt to get financial backing? Or take me snowboarding in Niseko. Your treat, of course.

What will be your first act of inspiration as my new muse?

7560isshhh words. Handed in on Friday.
It was an epic moment, strangely I had Kylie's 'This Is It' stuck in my head when I was in the school office.
However. Songs of a Generation: How the Road Movie Soundtrack Maps the Use of Popular Music in Cinema, From 60s Nostalgia to the 90s MTV Aesthetic Is gone. It is out of my life and...
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So, what's next?
No blogs lately because my dissertation is using up my daily word quota.
2000ish to go.
Back I go.
2,000 left. Not long. Good luck getting it finished.
Ooooh thanks for the linky, that should keep me going til doug gives in and we get our own little yoko no-nose (tho i have been informed if we get one, we wont be calling it that smile )

You well??

Thank goodness it's Friday.
Infact scrap that, I am still a student and therefore every day has the potential to be Friday.

Been busy in the library all day research the rise of MTV culture and its effects on film editing. Rather interesting actually. The dissertation is taking form. I have a rough plan just need to get the okay from my adviser then it...
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Student....granite city?
You @ aberdeen Uni...do they still have that bar up at the halls of residence nicknamed "the moon"....due to not having any atmosphere?

been a while since i've been up that way but Aberdeen doesn't change very quickly lol
Crank 2? You're kidding me right? wink

But, yes, thank fuck it's Friday.

Hope the weather stays good so you can roll with the top down.

Epic headache/borderline migraine.
Kicked in about 8pm. Had a few painkillers and crashed out for what I hoped to be the whole night, woke right back up again at 2am. Headache still throbbing away.
The joys that come with staring at a computer all day. At least the site is up, just have to finish editing my 8 minute short to see if I...
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Happy Earth Day! smile
oh god i wish they did that here, i always blow it all. At least i only have a month to survive before home time so maybe i will survive!!

Still, it does feel nice having lots of money, even if i do have to give most of it to my landlord.
Today is turning into an incredible day.

Finally started editing my 8 minute mini film for my website (which I am also slowly piecing together), finally have some serious motivation and ideas regarding my dissertation so there is no reason why I can't get at least the 1000 word or so introduction done by the end of the weekend. Caught up with northern bird for...
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yeah thats the one...not particularly good for you but soooo darn tasty smile How long you been veggie??
I'm happy for you not having to mop up any spuke... it's especially nasty when it's someone else's.

I always imagined Saint Tropez to be full of beautiful people like Brigitte Bardot... make sure you get lots of pictures and post them here when you get back. How many of you are going?

That's how much is costs for a scary Polish man to tap your tooth repeatedly (just to make sure you're not lying about the extreme pain you're in) then inform you it's an abscess and write a prescription.
It also sums up what I have been doing with myself for the last 3 days. It's involved bed and co-codenal and amoxicillian. Don't ignore toothache.....
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3.48? Bargain! I just paid rather a lot more for some scraping, drilling and x-raying and now can't feel half my mouth...
Aah, I suppose 3 quid for some poking works out about right really... I bet you're looking forward to that then... I've got to go back in three weeks time for maybe more of the same... Meh...
You've got Wagamammas over there too?

Good to know you had such a rad time ikki smile You did appear to be rather excited about this little venture...

Mad pictures too biggrin

(my drawing emoticons is going to turn into real fucking smilies isn't it? i hate that about this website..
I hope you're keeping it real Vikki, from the looks of things, you are.

Wagamama always gives me a an upset stomach, but for some reason I keep going back.
Another night another night of website destruction. I had the thing working for a whole 24 hours before I destroyed it again. I am my own web designing worst enemy.
So I gave up and went for a sexy bath with my sexy self (a sexy bath involes candles, incense, bath bombs and most importantly red red wineeee) while watching Stewart Lee on BBC iPlayer....
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So it transpires that my 3 month subscription is merely a clever marketing ploy, and there was me thinking their were still good people out there to buy you a subscription to boobs and tattoos. Clearly not!
Nevermind it has provided me with another outlet to waste time on rather than writing my dissertation... excuse me.. my fucking dissertation I have one month to pull...
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I'm good, yeah. All is well really. I turned 30 a few weeks ago so my childhood is now officially continuing into my 30s. Never grow up, that's my advice. smile

I saw that a bunch of old accounts have been reactivated. The site had lost a lot of its value for me before I joined SGUK. I've made a bunch of great real life friends through the group, and I mainly continue here because of that. Sometimes there are amazing sets from the girls that make it worth staying too, but if I'm honest I don't look at heaps of them these days.

What course have you been doing?

What's the dissertation on?
Ah, of course, film. I remember now. Don't know Radio On and Two Lane Blacktop. Recommended? Dya think in Film Hell you are forced to watch 24/7 Adam Sandler vehicles and Jennifer Aniston romcoms?

I have a whole bunch of the novelty condoms. The snowman is terrifying. There's also been a cactus, champagne bottle and other random characters, one of which looks a bit like Wizbit. wink
Someone somewhere has treated me to a 3 months subscription.

Catch up time I guess.
Oh, hello stranger. smile
There you are, Hello kiss