"little tokyo & downtown"

...the name of my next (first) album...

-->> "What Kind of Album"?

I dunno...probably a combination of found sound and breakbeat...something a little too unsettling for a groovy lounge and too detailed for a soundtrack...ahh, as I languish in artistic poverty...
You did the right thing. I'm sorry things worked out like that. frown

Not to make light of the situation, but I've just got this bad mental image from the movie version of Carrey eeek
Know what? I've dealt with this in ways that aren't relevant here...just to say that you're well on your way to being normal and well-adjusted and not a victim of insanity. This isn't me against the parent, but me against being forced to live/endure a fucked-up situation.

Courage to you, you're on your way to being happy and secure with yourself.

Oh, and happy new year!

BTW...I agree, DebraJean is just too hot... biggrin

[Edited on Jan 01, 2004 10:34PM]

[Edited on Jan 01, 2004 10:35PM]

i just got back from a md/phd interview...and am realizing i am probably a radical. it's a very very strange thing to have that sink in.

what i had before was way too long. i deleted it.
you seem rather interesting...noticed that our birthdays are one day apart. and you liked pi & manu chao & zero7.

check out my erotic soap opera....it's posted in my journal.

To answer you ending question, Kevin Smith photographed his wife, Jennifer Schwalback, for a spread in Playboy. From time to time Playboy has celebrities photograph models for inclusion in the magazine. Smith was one such celebrity and he chose to ask his wife to model; I thought that was very romantic. I'm often informed that my thoughts on romance are very strange.

I think perhaps we're using the word "fragmentary" in different ways. More than that, you seem to have ascribed a pejorative meaning to the word; that fragmentation is inherently bad. My view of fragmentation is more objective; it simply is what it is. Neither good nor bad, though uses to which it's put can certainly be either.

I'm using the word mainly in looking at structure; an example would be the way a linear narrative is "fragmented" and rearranged in the film Pulp Fiction; in that instance the fragmentation turns the fable into something else entirely; the riding off into the sunset occurs literally two thirds of the way into the film. When referring to jazz as fragmentary, I was thinking mostly of the more experimental jazz artists; those who deconstruct songs, quote others within songs, and create something different than a linear song. Improvisation itself is a way of fragmenting a song; changing it continually as it's played. Perhaps I should've said that some jazz is fragmentary in nature (Monk was on my mind). Certainly there is much jazz that does not overly fracture its structure. And, again, this might be merely out difference in our opinion of what constitutes fragmentation and whether or not that's a bad thing.

I find troublesome this quote: "i'm also not impressed with film and art that caters to the elite." There are basically two stances one can take in viewing entertainments (art, music, writing, film, etc): populist or elitist. It would seem that we're on opposite sides of the fence on this one; I'm firmly within the camp of the elitist. I consider it a greater triumph of art to speak intimately to two thousand people than to speak in a very cursory way to two million. Also, I find that entertainments that require the consumer to work are more satisfying and often have more to say than entertainments that are easy. Which is not to say that something that is easily consumed and understood cannot be enjoyable or worthwhile. Only saying that I've enjoyed and gotten more out of repeated rereadings of Infinite Jest and Absalom! Absalom! than I did out of the two or three times I'm read the Harry Potter books.

I was hoping that you could elaborate on this quote: "...which makes it inaccessible maybe to the people who need to see/hear it most, rendering the work useless at best, and harmful at worst in its elitism." I'm curious how something can be harmful in its elitism. I'm also puzzled by it being "inaccessible to the people who need to see/hear it most." Wouldn't only the intended audience need to access it? As said, I'm confused.

Your larger use of fragmentary was explicated in the quote: "what i think i was reaching at but was unable to communicate is that i see family values, civic values, religious ideals, societal ethics, faith in politics, and in general a sense of unity and obligation to the whole etc. fragmented." Hmm. I do agree that homogeny of all of those things does produce a culture that works extremely well (examples would be countries like Switzerland and Sweden where everyone is pretty much alike and things seem to run far smoother there, with almost nonexistent poverty levels, great healthcare, low crime, etc). On the other hand, I do rather like the option of having personal values that differ from those of the overall culture; the fragmentation of those things is largely through freedom and choice. Sure, I'd rather live in a world where everyone was sympathetic to my world view, but I know that i

I think that food shortages, infectious diseases, and energy are global concerns and great minds are ever trying to solve these concerns. The problem, as I'm sure you're aware, is that no one can come to a consensus as to what would be a good way to solve any of those problems. Get a bunch of really intelligent people together to solve a problem and you're more than likely going to get many solutions for the problem. The fragmentation of which you speak. Who decides which solution is most worthy? Each solution probably comes with a well reasoned argument for why it's the best. How best to get food to the starving? I'm sure every think tank in the world could get you a different solution. You mention education and there are education programs trying to stop the spread of diseases, as are there vast amounts of money (though never quite enough) put into trying to treat those infected and come up with vaccinations. But disease, as you're well aware, is neigh impossible to eradicate (hell, the plague is still in parts of India).

The energy problem seems impossible to solve. Solar and wind are nowhere near efficient enough to replace petroleum. Hydrogen fuel cells are swiftly approaching, but are still a few years off. Billions of dollars are being dumped into advancing alternative energy sciences, but they haven't reached a solution yet. Not to mention that when they finally do come about they'll have to contend with the legacy system problem. Since oil based systems are so integral to many things, it's virtually impossible to replace them. Converting to an alternative en mass is going to be a long and expensive process. And then there's the issue of converting to an alternative throwing more than a few countries' economies into abject poverty. I personally am really worried about when China starts to become an industrial power. Just imagine what another billion people driving is going to do to the planet.

It's not as though people don't see the problems or don't feel that it is worth helping (though, yes, many do feel that way), it's that there is no good idea of how to go about solving the problems.

"i look to art, and movies, and music to rise beyond merely reflecting and portraying, but to provide coherence and order and maybe, if the piece is truly prodigial, provide solutions in that order." I'd say that the best post-modern (though really we're in the post-post-post-modern period that is without a name) art provides coherence in its fragmentary nature. It just takes a little work to glean the coherence out of it. And in working for the coherence, the order, one usually comes to the conclusions and solutions that the author intended.
i suck. i cannot figure out how to delete an entry and i'm far too lazy to figure out how to do it. poop on me.

does anyone around here know anything about atlanta...i'm going to visit next weekend, and given the off chance i have a couple of free hours what's a must see?
For me too POOP ON!!


Have fun in GA!!
I don't think you can delete an entry; you can only delete the text of the entry. Sorry, not really helpful.

My contention is that photography didn't replace painting because photography allowed painting to do other things. In the years before photography, photo-realism was the greatest accomplishment in painting. Post-photography, art started having movements that took painting away from realism; fauvism experimented with colors, expressionism and impressionism exerimented with the way one can view the world, surrealism examined the dreamlike contradictions inherent to reality, and so on and so forth. So, photography replaced one goal of painting, but painting survives because it has evolved.

There was an original point to this, but I can't remember. Hmm. Sorry.
i suck. i cannot figure out how to delete an entry and i'm far too lazy to figure out how to do it. poop on me.

does anyone around here know anything about atlanta...i'm going to visit next weekend, and given the off chance i have a couple of free hours what's a must see?
wink happy weekend, all.
Thanks sweetie...have a good yourself wink
where do you go to school? UCLA? are you ee or ce? Who is this boy and how can I be him????? wink
test tomorrow...wasting time...

how do you guys stay awake when you're falling asleep? i mean other than doing caffeine etc.? a neighbor maybe second year in the dorms told me to stand on my head. maybe i'll try that.

maybe not, there's a linoleum floor in here.

maybe i'll move into the next room and do it on carpet.

maybe i'll just make a pot...
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Break up some No Doz and sniff it like it's coke. I've never done it....but it sounds like it would be effective.

I just do the coffee thing. I'm pretty good at making myself stay awake at this point. I'm the queen of cramming. I barely crack a book til the last minute and I'm a proud dean's list student. wink
OH no...I wasnt leaving anyone out...I had just posted in my last journal entry that I was sad...And some people came ove to cheer me up...I was just thanking them not trying to excuding anyone

btw...Go check NOW


last night the boy had to dj for a five year old's birthday party somewhere in brentwood. i felt sick all this morning. so did the boy. i'm pretty sure it's due to mere disgust at all the wealth flaunting.

then again, i drank a shitload after we left the shindig.

at the end of the night some 2 year old hit me with...
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Those damn 2 years old will walk all over you if you dont show them whos boss.

Personally I prefer clasping them in irons till I can figure out what to do with them wink

Happy Halloween, strangeattractor! Have fun with whatever you do tonight!!


i got my first med school interview!


in other news, i lost my drivers license. maybe if i keep losing shit i will keep getting interviews. maybe not. maybe i will end up like those surgeons who leave things inside of people. i read a horror story in some los angeles magazine about a plastic surgeon who left tiny pieces of instrumentation in...
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Ok, so he didn't actually molest a goat, that was for comedic affect. He did, on the other hand, attempt to molest a goat. Luckily for the goat, my friend wasn't as swift as him. Though, now that I think about it, attempted goat molestation has just as good of a comedic affect as just plain ol' goat molestation.
So, which school is it? Hope you don't have to drive there.. wink

Someone I know had a piece of surgical mesh left inside them during a pretty routine operation. So far so good, except that his tissue started growing on the mesh and kind of incorporating it into his body. It took a good 10 further operations to correct it.

Moral of the story: Don't mesh around!
i love meshell ndegeocello. bitter is the friggin shit. far too short, i so need to get plantation lullabyes.

man, makes me wish i had something to be sad about!
Thanks for the kind thoughts...

The main concern that she (and probably everyone else in the program) has is that the weight gain is too much, too fast, and that by the time they're ready to discharge you, you're not prepared to deal with the new body you've grown. It's kind of like you have to be forced to get better physically before you be helped mentally and emotionally. So it's far from ideal, but the best that's available under the circumstances...

And don't worry, I got myself a good shrink and a supply of happy pills. smile

[Edited on Oct 10, 2003 11:00AM]
If that is your boyfriend he wasnt last night smile
so...i just got a ride to school from the former vp of fox.

yes, i'm an engineer...how do i end up in these situations?

everything is pretty heavily charged in the air today - whether it's b/c it's the start of a new quarter, or because i just had the single most important research meeting yesterday with our sponsors (big pharm men with the big...
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Kids will have to learn about it sooner or later... That's funny as hell. smile
Im not familiar with Underworld the band, are they good?

Have you seen the movie? Its good if you like Vampires and Werewolves and Gun Operas...