BE ADVISED THE JOURNAL IS BEING TYPED UNDER THE MOST DRUNKENED STATE CONCEVED BY MAN! i have been to two clubs and my eyes are spinning so much that i cant see the screen right now... i am currently amazed at my typing ability. because i dont know how i am doing this right know. "the next sentence will be typed with no corrections and...
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Storm ... you rock the casbah, baby! You not only agreed with my last entry, but you went thr enxtra mile and really unleashed holy hell on the thing that I hate most in this world ... THE FUCKING MEAT ROBOTIC GOVERNEMTN CONTROL FREAK SLAVE ISSUE!! Now I know you are with me ... and we can start the revolution. wink
What do you mean with CARNIVAL??... I doNt live in BRASil, baby. I live in BUENOS AIRES... I love rain, tango and drinking bear with friends.. I hate carnival and I donT know what lil means. Im a fucking "cloudy" girl... yeah...But, sometimes I enjoy going to some party, and disguise,and dance a lot, and take pics, and take some E... jajajjajajajajajjajajajajajaj!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well, you like E??????...
biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin
lovely lovely lovely day... just worked 11 hours on the worst thing in my job.... also i lied to my boss to give me vacation time for about a week and a half. i have been broke all week because my check got lost or some bullshit, so poverty is nice at the moment. i was teaching my roomates 9 yearold nephue how to use...
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OMG, u in kansas??? You are basically more shit out of luck than a cancer pateint with no insurance. I regret that ... I dont know any goth/interestingppl/dominatrix's in kansas, you're better off relocating I think. I feel for ya hun.
But even if I was in kansas... Im married. I need to put that on my profile I think, even tho the site frowns on that.
hope your weekend was well! smile

well i just returned from Oklahoma... it was good seeing the family. my sister is still cool, and i cant wait to go to Penn and hang out with her and the band she works for called the "OURS" she says their pretty big but i have only heard one of their songs but i like their cd...
my roomate dumped his girl while i...
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Funny fetish stories? Oh gawd Ive got plenty. Im not sure if any of them would sound funny through journal posting but hey Ill give it a shot. Some of them might just be those times where "you just had to be there" for it to be funny at all.

actually I just tried to think of one to post here and they are all so bizarre! I cant really explain them through typing ... but I *will* say that I met my husband at this big fetish ball they throw here in chicago every year. Niether of us really wanted to go out that night, but our friends drug us out. It was open bar and I dont think either of us left the bar all night. The cool thing was I was smoking a clove cigarette and it accidently went out when I was walking past him. So I looked up, saw him smoking and asked him for a light and the rest is history.
Lancaster PA or Lancaster CA?
I am in PA
the kill bill movies kicked ass.. im starting back to TaeKwonDo to polish up before my deployment just in case any upstart trys to get fiesty..

what do you do when the thing your best at is sex and your worst at relationships?

i mean the girl i lost my virginity to didnt let me finish cause she started to cry because i hadnt cum...
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he's still in AIT (army) to be a mechanic
There is a cartoons group. Go join.

well muthafuckin well... the bitch stood me up... so thats 2 sour dates this month. hell if i was a baseball player they would have sent me back to the farm team.... kansas is voting on the conceal carry law this month so im anxious to see if i can start packin heat... its kinda creepy running around with guns in hand. america is nuts...
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forgive and forget when she's bobbin your knob!! DANM I sound like a oink !!! heehee 1 time shame on you, 2 times shame on me! wink
Hit or miss indeed! A lot of women I know took the neccessary precautions ... gradual weight gain, cocoa butter lotion (both prevent stretch marks) excersise and not overeating ... and they STILL looked horribly disfigured after they gave birth and stayed that way for years! Some never went back to their origional bodies ... ever. frown I never got stretch marks or gained weight that stayed, but I had to really take good care of myself. Some women think that pregnancy is an excuse to eat loads of crap and think that just because theyre having a baby means that they dont have to watch what they eat, but thats not true at all, obviously.

You can come back and comment on the gay issue, since it was so popular and so many good points were raised ... Im touching base on the subject yet again in my next journal entry, so heres your chance! wink
anticipation is a killer, im supposed to be waiting on a call from this girl i like..... im interested to see if our date actually goes down... dating lately has been rather bleak. a girl i used to date is causing problems for me at any chance she gets... because she's quote-unquote in love with me.. and i had only dated her for 2 weeks...
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well muthafuckin well... the bitch stood me up... so thats 2 sour dates this month. hell if i was a baseball player they would have sent me back to the farm team.... kansas is voting on the conceal carry law this month so im anxious to see if i can start packin heat... its kinda creepy running around with guns in hand. america is nuts like that...

NINJA GIADEN came out for XBOX!!! yippyskidu, now i have to tear myself away to go out to clubs now...

a waitress where i play cards started hitting on me and i figured out that she was in my freshmen psyc. class and she stood me up on two different occasions... which she conviently forgot.. should i forgive and forget and make a move. spite her for her earlyer mistake. (funny how shit works out) i also found out that she had a kid, 1 month ago and she still weighs like 115 and said she has no strech marks.. pregnancy after-effects are such and evil hit or miss thing for a girl... what alot of pressure...
well today is another begining of my SG online life......

more interesting shit to come later