I'm off to an oscar party! I'll write more on it after all is said and done but I want to say it here before the show starts that I think Heath Ledger is going to win for The Dark knight, and I think Slumdog Millionaire is getting best picture. Mickey Rourke is my pick for best actor. Kate Winslet for best actress. Let's see...
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It feels like a long time since I last posted a blog. Usually when I write these days it's a cover letter or a resume of some kind. I've been making job hunting my full time job for the past 5 weeks now. I graduated December 17th and I decided to really treat myself to a vacation over the Christmas holiday. My advisors said it...
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It's been a long time since I wrote a blog. There's a lot to tell, and whoever reads it, I hope you enjoy it. So on November 18th I became an official Home Brewer. A while ago I went to an auction where one of the prizes was a couple of home brewing lessons. I bid, and got into a good old-fashioned war with another...
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Hey you I hope your finals are going well!
Thanks for the comment on my new set! kiss

Have you ever been watching a video stream online that's just a "loading" screen? Today i was watching Dexter and the episode played for a couple minutes straight before getting really choppy. It would load for 30 seconds before giving me 10 seconds of video. It continued for about 5 minutes before I stepped outside my shoes and saw myself looking like an idiot directly...
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i never watch online. i have the patience of a two year old tongue
90% of my time online is actually spent doing nothing.

random video, random site, naked women, random site, random search, naked women, buy stuff i dont want, random site and so on...

Thats what the internet is for right?

This week was another average one in the life of an english major but I decided to be a slacker instead of keeping up with the reading. Not that the assignments were bad, it could be worse than having to read "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead" but I was just burned out from the previous week. I wrote on Monday, then Tuesday of course was...
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I've been a member for a couple weeks now and I have really enjoyed this site. I looked at a few of the galleries but it wasn't until saturday that I really started updating information and personalizing the profile. I would have started sooner but today marks the end of my midterms. The past week and a half have been full of reading sessions and...
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thank you!

good luck graduating smile