I love these-

1. What is the middle name of the first person you ever slept with or had sex with?
*No clue.

2. What kind of underwear are you wearing and what color?
*boxers w/ scary tigers!

3. What is the song you want played at your funeral?
*at this moment, "I Will Follow You Into the Dark" by Death Cab

4. What would...
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Thank you for the birthday wishes Sparrows!

How are you guys doing?
Belize would be nice. I will meet you there. Merry Christmashannukawaza. miao!!
Happy Turkey Day everyone!!! bok bok bok
gooble gobble!
happy late t-day bok
How has life been?

I would definately recommend either the think tank or Twisted Sol for Art. What are you thinking of getting?
no problem! i'm always up for making new friends smile
I have added some pictures to a folder. They are small and not very clear but you get the idea. At some point I will figure out how to post bigger pictures.
20 facts about guy Sparrow:

1. If you saw me, you would think I was about the least likely person in the world to be on this board.

2. I registered as a Republican when I was 18 and before I saw the light.

3. I have a goal to visit all 7 continents before I die (3 down, 4 to go).

4. For about...
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20 facts about girl sparrow:

1) I used to be in commercials when I was a kid.

2) I thought a "keg" was actually a "cake" that nice, innocent boys gave to girls at parties to be polite.

3) I learned what sex was when I was five from a book called, "how you got to be you."

4)My sister is my best friend and partner in crime.

5) My parents actually wanted me to drink in high school and offered to buy me alcohol....I declined and waited until I was 21.

6) I can't imagine my life without my husband's kind heart and silly songs.

7) I truly believe that I will be re-incarnated as a black female pug named 'Nisha.'

8) I take comfort in the idea that what goes around comes around.

9) Nothing makes me more upset then men who are Pro-Life.

10) Ok....people who are homophobic make me upset too.

11) I have a BA in english and I suck at grammar and spelling.

12) I secretly want to take over the world.

13) I think that Highlands Ranch should change it's name to Pleasantville.

14) I used to think a stigmatism was when you got dizzy looking at stripes. (thanks mom!)

15) I used to get along with boys WAY better than I got along with girls.

16) I am obsessed with my boobs.

17) My top five are: Jake Gyllenhal (sp?), Orlando Bloom, Adam Brody, LL Cool J and Lucy Liu.

18) I want to learn Spanish and Chinese before I die.

19) I am tone deaf, but would love to learn to play the piano.

20) I HATE doing the dishes.
i've already been tagged! my 20 facts are several entries ago... tongue

will you guys be at sg burlesque?
Yay, its October! Less than a month until we head to Mexico. Two concerts the SG burlesque show and Kat Von D now has a website! It is shaping up to be a good month! ARRR!!! EL SUICIDO LOCO ooo aaa
This new picture reflects how things have been around here lately. We have gone too long w/o a show. Anyone interested in the Decemberists at the Paramount on Oct 23rd?
When I get back in town you are more than welcome to celebrate my absence from work over a beer or two tongue Have fun at the Paramount.
bored bored bored bored bored........bored bored bored boredbored.....did I mention that I'm bored? I'm not 'down' with this sickness at all!! Still up for a show soon??
Ok, now I am out in the "big kid" world again looking for a job. I have one for the next six weeks, but that it is onto something new. As I have stated before, looking for a job is so humbling.....

My ten year high school reunion is tomorrow and the only people I am really excited to see are the friends that I...
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good luck job hunting
Well, I (Guy Sparrow) just got a new job. I think I have progressed from Corporate Slave to Corporate Indentured Servant. More money is always good; especially considering how broke we are while we are trying to sell our condo.

Enough of the pity party.

Thought of the day:

Totino's pizzas may be the best food you can get for $1.

Wow, we have been away for quite awhile. We had a severe illness and eventually a death in Girl Sparrow's family. It has been really tough on everyone. We have had most of her family staying with us and they are just now beginning to leave so we are getting back to our routine. Hope everything has been going well for everyone here. If anyone...
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Hope everything is going ok with you guys.
Cheers smile
I'm sorry to hear about Girl Sparrow's grandfather. You will be in my thoughts.